In the center of Istanbul explosion

In the center of Istanbul explosion According to preliminary data, the cause of the explosion could be a terrorist attack using a car bomb. The explosion caused a fire. ANKARA, December 10 — RIA Novosti, Alain Palazhchenko. The explosion occurred in Istanbul’s Besiktas district in the city centre near a Park Macka. The explosion caused a fire, which extinguish the fire brigades arrived, informs television channel NTV from the scene. About the victims. According to preliminary data, the cause of the explosion could be a terrorist attack using a car bomb, the TV channel. Users of Twitter reported that there were two explosions and they occurred near the football stadium of Besiktas. BREAKING: Two large explosion reported near Besiktas football stadium in Istanbul — Turkey Untold (@TurkeyUntold) 10 Dec 2016 Bi patlama meydana geldi yine yeniden ve yaralılar var yardım gelsin #besiktas #patlama — Ümmühan D. (@padilla1905) 10

NASA showed the coldest place on Mars

NASA showed the coldest place on Mars MOSCOW, December 12 — RIA Novosti. The coldest place on Mars shown in the photo. The South pole “the red planet” published on the official website of NASA. The photo shows the polar cap, which was formed due to the build-up of dry ice (carbon dioxide). It arises from carbon dioxide, which in winter falls from the atmosphere in the form of snow. In the cold temperature in this part of the planet can reach minus 130 degrees Celsius. Photo was taken with the high resolution camera HiRISE, installed on the Orbiter MRO.

Islamic state reported the capture of Palmyra

Islamic state reported the capture of Palmyra Terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG; banned in Russia) announced the return of control over the Syrian Palmyra, AFP reports citing the Syrian Observatory for human rights. “Despite continued airstrikes (the Syrian army.— “B”), ISIS retook the entire Palmyra after the Syrian army left the South of the city”, — said the head of the Observatory Rami Abdel Rahman. Information about the capture of the city also confirms militants associated with ISIS Agency Amaq. The Russian defense Ministry confirmed that the terrorists are once again trying to capture Palmyra. “4 thousand militants regroup and then made another attempt the capture of Palmyra. Despite heavy losses in manpower and technology, terrorists strive to get closer and to gain a foothold inside the city, as the aircraft of Russian air force on residential areas of the city of Palmyra bumps does not cause” — said the

USA admitted the fact of participation of militants from Mosul in the storming of Palmyra

John Kirby The US state Department admits the possibility that the militant group “Islamic state” of Iraq’s Mosul took part in the fighting in the Syrian Palmyra. Such statement as transfers RIA Novosti news Agency, made an official representative of the Department John Kirby. “I don’t know, but can’t rule it out. We knew that some of them leave Mosul, but where they went and what they did, we don’t know,” he said. The state Department denies that the United States stopped supporting the attack on the Syrian “capital” of ISIS Raqqa, and that this could contribute to the militant attack on Palmyra. “Allegations that we somehow stopped supporting force “of the Democratic forces in Syria” in an attempt to further isolate Raqqa, wrong,” said Kirby. Available to the Washington information on the situation in the area of Palmyra Kirby said that “cannot confirm the extent to which the” IG

Medvedev announced the achievement of the Millennium development goals to reduce deaths

Dmitry Medvedev Russia has achieved formulated by the UN in 2000, “Millennium development goals” for reducing maternal and child mortality. This was stated by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Monday, December 12, reports TASS. “Over the past 25 years, since 1990, the maternal mortality rate in our country fell by more than three quarters, now it is just over 10 cases per 100 thousand born children,” he said at a meeting on the protection of motherhood and childhood. The deaths of children under five years during this same time period declined by two-thirds. “The infant mortality rate last year was 6.5 cases per thousand live births,” — said Medvedev. This year, according to him, this figure will reach to 5.9. The Prime Minister pointed to the success of the program of construction of perinatal centers. “This is the most expensive project of today (25 billion rubles from regional budgets and

The Yeltsin center responded to the criticism Mikhalkov

Photo: Director Nikita Mikhalkov, who accused “the Presidential center of Boris Yeltsin” (the Yeltsin center) in the destruction of the national identity of the children, he never visited. About it RIA Novosti on Friday, December 9, said the representative of the institution Elena Volkova. “This kind of criticism fit for the famous tradition: “I have not read Pasternak, but I condemn”” she said. According to Volkova, the celebrity, who had been in the Yeltsin center, are fundamentally different assessments of his work. An employee of the institution stressed that the centre’s activities is fully consistent with the statutory objectives and the Russian legislation. Earlier, on 9 December Mikhalkov criticized the activities of the Yeltsin centre. According to him, the institution daily destroys national identity of hundreds of children because it gives a biased estimate of the history of Russia. “The presidential center of Boris Yeltsin” was opened in Yekaterinburg

The development of a new parachute platforms based on the experience of Syria could begin in 2017

© Press-service of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation/TASS MOSCOW, December 12. /TASS/. Scientific research Institute of parachute (included in the technodynamics) going in 2017 to start the development of a new cargo parachute platforms based on the experience of operations in Syria. About it told journalists the General Director of the enterprise Dmitry Tretyakov. “Based on the experience of Syria, next year we hope to open the ROC to build cheaper freight platform for the delivery of mainly humanitarian supplies and maybe ammunition in the combat zone”, – he said.