The media learned about the trump consideration of a candidate for the post of Secretary of state

Jon Huntsman Among the possible contenders for the post of Secretary of state in the administration of President-elect Donald trump entered the former Governor of Utah, Republican Jon huntsman. This writes The Salt Lake Tribune. According to two people close to the transitional administration, trump has expanded the list, first of which consisted of former new York mayor Rudolph Giuliani and former candidate for the US presidency from the Republican party MITT Romney. Among others, consider the candidature of Hatsman and former CIA Director David Petraeus. It is known that the huntsman previously served as Ambassador to China and fluent in Chinese language. On 18 November it became known that trump has decided on candidates for key positions in his administration. So, the attorney General will be the Senator from Alabama Jeff and Roman sessions, the Director of the CIA offered to the Congressman from Kansas, Mike Pompeo. The question

Cuba is forbidden to erect monuments to Fidel Castro

Cuban authorities intend to forbid to erect monuments in honor of the former leader of the country Fidel Castro. On Saturday, December 3, said the Chairman of state Council and Council of Ministers Raul Castro, the Associated Press reports. According to him, the commander didn’t want his identity made a cult. Thus, in addition to the erection of monuments, the government banned the name of an establishment, street, parks and public places in the name of the leader of the Cuban revolution. “In accordance with the will of Fidel Castro during the following sessions of the National Assembly of people’s power, we will present the relevant legislative initiatives” — leads TASS words of Raul Castro. Fidel Castro died on November 25 at the age of 90 years. Cuba was declared nine days of mourning. The body of the Comandante was cremated. The official farewell ceremony for the leader of the

The militants have shot down Syrian jet over Aleppo

Aleppo Militants shot down aircraft of the Syrian air force over the Eastern part of Aleppo. About it reports on Saturday, December 3, the TV channel Al Mayadeen. According to him, the plane crashed near the city’s airport. The crew of the aircraft were killed. As reports “Interfax” citing a Syrian military source, was shot down by combat training aircraft L-39. It was serially produced by the Czech firm Aero Vodochody to 1999. The operation to liberate Eastern Aleppo from militants began 21 Nov. Government troops and the militia freed the quarter Masakin-Khan — one of the key points of the positions of militants in the city. In this area the government troops were confronted by members of the armed coalition “Jaish al-Fath” (also includes militants of the banned terrorist organization “Dzhabhat EN-Nusra”). In early September, the militants of the insurgent group “Jaish al-Issa” was shot down near the town

Worked 10 years counterfeit U.S. Embassy closed in Ghana

Law enforcement agencies of Ghana stopped the fake American Embassy, which ten years working in the capital, Accra. This was reported on the website of the US State Department. As noted, the real building of the diplomatic mission was established by the American national flag. Inside was a photo of the current President Barack Obama and members was presented to members of criminal gangs from Turkey and Ghana. Visitors were given identity documents, us passports and visas. It is noted that the “Embassy” provided for by bribes to local officials, who also provided the forms are legal documents. The deception was discovered during the operation “Spartan vanguard”, which was conducted by agents of the diplomatic security at present, the U.S. Embassy in Ghana with the aim of addressing the problem of trafficking and fraudulent documents. In the course of the investigation, arrested several members of the fake diplomatic mission. They

Lavrov praised the new US proposals on Syria

Aleppo U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry gave Moscow new proposals on the Syrian settlement. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said after talks with his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida on Saturday, December 3, RIA Novosti reported. “Yesterday John Kerry at our meeting with him in Rome and gave us suggestions that are in line with approaches that have long otstaivaya Russian experts on the negotiations with the Americans,” — said the Minister. Lavrov recalled that during earlier negotiations, the parties discussed a joint action scheme, which primarily involves the dissociation of the moderate opposition from the terrorists, and then “work together for the purposes of terrorist groups”, reports TASS. “Unfortunately, dissociation did not take place, so this agreement the Americans could not be fulfilled,” he said. Lavrov stressed that Washington on consultations in Geneva to resolve the conflict in Aleppo, Syria, until December 2, sought “to

China protested the trump conversation with the head of Taiwan

Donald Trump The foreign Ministry of China made hard performance, USA after us President-elect, Donald trump talked on the phone with the head of administration of Taiwan Cai Inven. On Saturday, December 3, reports BBC News. As the newspaper notes, despite the fact that diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States were severed in 1979, in a conversation trump and Invent was referred to the close economic and political ties and cooperation in the security sphere. Beijing urged Washington to “cautiously and properly handle the Taiwan issue to avoid useless problems in Sino-American relations.” A source in the administration of the current President of the United States Barack Obama announced that the White house found out about the conversation after it took place. The press Secretary of the national security of the United States, Ned Price said that the policy of the current leadership of the United States regarding

Russians arrested in US for drug possession

A Russian citizen arrested in Abilene, Texas, USA, for possession of a prohibited drug. This was reported on page in Facebook of the local police Department. “Alexey Trapeznikov was arrested Wednesday after police stopped him for a traffic violation. He had a 5.49 grams of the dangerous drug fentanyl,” the report says. Alexey Trapeznikov Abilene Police Department / Facebook Law enforcement explained that 44-year-old Russian charged with first-degree unlawful possession of a controlled substance. Currently he is in jail Taylor County. The documents in the case Trapeznikova was sent to the Russian Consulate in Houston. For this violation of the law, he faces deportation. Fentanyl opioid analgesic effect on the human body similar to morphine, however it is much stronger. 6 October it was reported about the arrest in the US, two Russians and one US citizen on charges of trying to illegally export sensitive technologies. According to the American

The media learned about the plans of Obama to star in a Comedy series

Barack Obama President Barack Obama thought about a career in digital media after leaving the White house and creating their own media companies. Meanwhile, according to the Mic, citing its sources. Obama reportedly considering participation in the show on the channel streaming video Netflix or drama on a Comedy website. When it comes to the idea of starting their own media companies, according to Mic, the US President recently cooled. To discuss their plans, Obama, in the words of one interlocutor Mic, confidentially met on the sidelines of the APEC summit in Peru with the founder of Facebook mark Zuckerberg. White house Director of communications Jen Psaki has officially denied this information. “The President intends to work actively with young people and interested in changing the ways of presenting information, but it is not going after leaving his post to engage in the media business,” said she. Obama will relinquish

Trump was invited to visit Duterte

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump called the Philippine leader Rodrigo Duterte to visit. This became known after a telephone conversation, the contents of which adviser told Duterte. Details on Friday, December 2, Reuters reports. As noted, the conversation lasted seven minutes and was “very enthusiastic and exciting”. Duterte also invited future American leader to come to Manila in 2017, when the Philippines will chair the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 20 October Duterte during his visit to China called U.S. President Barack Obama is a “son of a whore” and said that its country “it is time to say goodbye to the USA”, but later expressed regret in connection with the foregoing. The head of state noted that the Alliance with Washington has brought Manila to little avail. “Stay in my country has been used for your own benefit,” said Duterte. He also added that he did

Attacked the Paris tour, the robber ran from the police

Attacked travel Agency in the South of Paris, the robber fled. This TV channel BFM on Saturday, December 2, said the mayor of the 13th district of the city of Jerome Kume. According to him, militiamen have not yet managed to detain the attacker. As follows from messages on the Paris police on Twitter, the perpetrator fled before the arrival of security forces. Kume said that the evening of 2 December to the travel Agency on the Boulevard masséna in the 13th arrondissement rushed the man with the gun and demanded to show where is the safe. Director of the company managed to escape and raise the alarm. At the time of the incident in the room were six people. Later, when at the scene of the robbery the police arrived, who in the assault was taken out of the building all the people who were there. No one