Obama revealed the contents of the conversation with Putin at the G20 summit

Barack Obama The United States will respond to alleged Russian cyber attacks aimed at intervention in the U.S. presidential election. The President Barack Obama warned Russian leader Vladimir Putin during their meeting at the G20 summit, which was held on September 5 in Xuanzhou Chinese. The content of the meeting, Obama revealed in an NPR interview, excerpts of which publishes NBC News on Friday, December 16. According to Obama, some of the responses can be open and public, others hidden. “Mr. Putin is well aware of my feelings about this, because I told him about it,” Obama said. Earlier, on December 15, the NBC issued a statement of an unnamed American intelligence officials about the personal involvement of Russian leader Vladimir Putin to hacker attacks on the server of the US Democratic party. One of the high-ranking interlocutors in the intelligence of NBC stated that the original goal of Putin

The Russian Ambassador explained to the head of the British foreign Ministry, the situation in Aleppo

Alexander Yakovenko The Ambassador of Russia to UK Alexander Yakovenko met with the foreign Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson where they talked about the situation in Aleppo, Syria. This was reported on the website of the Russian diplomatic mission. The British Minister described the reaction of the official London at the ongoing successful humanitarian operation in Aleppo. “Within its thousands of fighters with their families out of the city, with the assistance of the Russian military and the International red cross to the territory controlled by illegal armed groups,” — said in a press release. “The meaning of evacuation, on which we and the UN have insisted for a long time, to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, and most importantly, save the lives of the civilian population of Eastern Aleppo, make it humanitarian access,” reads the statement. According to Russian diplomats, an operation covering around 40 news agencies and television

The introduction of the Association agreement EU-Ukraine in the Parliament of the Netherlands

Mark Rutte The government of the Netherlands will introduce the Association agreement of EU and Ukraine for ratification to its Parliament in January 2017. About it RIA Novosti said the head of government of the Kingdom mark Rutte. “I think that will be a political debate next week. We will submit the law to Parliament, I think, in January. Then the Parliament must take a decision on the procedure,” he explained. “I think, based on what I heard at the debate yesterday, they want to speed up the process, they don’t want it to tighten, they want to complete it as quickly as possible,” added the Prime Minister. Previously Rutte, however, expressed doubt that the Dutch Parliament will ratify the agreement. “In my estimation, if we conclude a good agreement, I will have a chance to convince the Parliament to adopt the document. It is not clear yet, it will

The state Department acknowledged the cessation of hostilities in Aleppo

U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry, the US admitted that shelling and bombing of Aleppo, Syria has ceased, and the city started to be taken people. However, as reported TASS, he expressed the opinion that the war in the Arab country will not stop. “Apparently, within a certain time not conducted the bombing and shelling. The ceasefire can be maintained,” Kerry said. According to him, as the next steps necessary to ensure the ceasefire regime, in which attacks should decline “as government forces and allies, and other warring parties in Aleppo,” reports “Interfax”. He also pointed to the need to provide full access for humanitarian organizations and to ensure the evacuation “of civilians and militants who wish to leave the city.” According to Kerry, it is important to begin the process led by the Syrians, “aimed at ending the war and the transfer of power to a more representative government.”

EU leaders agreed to extend sanctions against Russia by six months

The leaders of the member countries of the EU agreed to extend economic sanctions against Russia for another six months. On Thursday, December 15, reports Reuters, citing a diplomatic source. A formal decision will be made in the coming days in the Committee of permanent representatives of the European Union, notes TASS. The effect of sectoral economic restrictive measures against Russia will expire on 31 January 2017. Under the agreement, the validity period will be extended until 31 July of the following year. A number of countries, including the USA and member States of the European Union have imposed sanctions against Moscow in 2014, linking them with the annexation of Crimea to Russia, and then the conflict in the South-East of Ukraine. The abolition of these restrictions linked with the implementation of the Moscow Minsk agreements. In February 2015 in Minsk, an agreement was signed on stabilization of the situation

Trump was appointed head of the interior Ministry

Ryan Zinke The US President-elect Donald trump has appointed Senator from Montana Ryan Zinke interior Minister in a future administration. This is stated on the website of the transition team policy. “He’s one of the most decent track record lists in reducing unwanted legal uregulirovanii, forest management and public lands and the development of responsible energy,” said trump in a statement. He noted that as a former Navy seal Zinke knows what it takes to win, and is willing to achieve it at any cost. “America is the most beautiful country in the world, and it will help to keep it as such by competent management of Federal lands” — summed up the politician. Zinke accepted the offer: “I will work tirelessly to keep our public lands managed and maintained for the benefit of society. It is also very important to our sovereign Indian Nations and their land had the

Juncker called naive idea to impose new sanctions against Russia over Syria

The ideas of some European politicians to impose new sanctions against Russia because of the situation in Syria is naive, they do not contribute to the resolution of the situation. This was stated by the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker in the German TV channel ZDF, his words leads TASS. “Anyone who thinks that the introduction of additional sanctions will help to resolve the Syrian drama, takes a special form of naivety. This does not give Russia any impression,” said the officer, and noticed that diplomacy is not a toothless tiger, but he bites it is not always where it is needed. Previously with the idea to introduce new restrictive measures against Moscow was made by head of the European people’s party (the leading faction of the European Parliament) Manfred Weber. An offensive on rebel-controlled areas of Aleppo began in mid-November 2016. By the end of the month

Wikileaks revealed leaked correspondence Clinton

Correspondence of the chief of staff, Clinton John Podestà, published by Wikileaks during the presidential campaign in the United States, became public thanks to the insiders in the Democratic party of the United States, not the Russian hackers. This was announced by former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray, and a close friend of the founder of the portal of Julian Assange in an interview with The Daily Mail. The diplomat says that he personally received the documents from an informant in a wooded area near Washington. Source name Murray refused to name. According to the British diplomat, the reasons which have induced the insider to take this step, have become corrupt schemes around the Clinton Foundation, as well as exclusion from the presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders. “I don’t understand why the CIA said that information came from Russian hackers, when they should know that this is not

92-year-old President of Zimbabwe gathered for the new term

Robert Mugabe The ruling party of Zimbabwe, ZANU-PF has decided to nominate the incumbent President — a 92-year-old Robert Mugabe — for the new term. On Wednesday, December 14, the Associated Press reports. Presidential elections will be held in 2018. The Executive Secretary of the party, Ignatius M. C. chombo called the rule of Mugabe as an example of “the wisdom and unity.” His candidacy will be considered this week. Mugabe has led the country since 1980. The last time presidential elections were held in Zimbabwe in 2013. Mugabe won it, despite claims from the opposition about irregularities in the voting process. The head of state himself has repeatedly stated that he is ready to rule until, until you die. However, he said that will resign, if the party so decides. Zimbabwe is among the poorest countries in the world. A country in difficult economic situation, faced with hyperinflation and

Mogherini made an Alliance with Russia to counter the plans of the trump

Federica Mogherini EU high representative for foreign Affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini made the possibility of combining the EU and Russia in opposition to the plans of the elected President of the USA of Donald trump to cancel a nuclear deal with Iran. She stated this in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. Mogherini expressed the opinion that the US decision to abandon the deal with Iran would provoke opposition from the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, have contributed to the conclusion of the agreement. “If you analyze each case, it is possible to find questions where I was was not surprised the Europeans and Russians can be on the same side: Iran, middle East peace process, perhaps the role of the UN,” said the Commissioner. At the same time, the head of European diplomacy questioned the fact that the US is going to a big deal with