The Prime Minister of Poland called the opposition’s actions are shameful

Beata Szydlo The Prime Minister of Poland Beata Szydlo called the shameful actions of the opposition block the Parliament building in Warsaw. About it reports Reuters. “With this step, the opposition incite political radical emotions… that have nothing to do with the real condition of the country. On the contrary, it happens because of the helplessness, the frustration of those who lost power and who does not have the slightest idea on how to convince the citizens of Poland in their views,” said Szydlo, in his address, which was broadcast on television. The Prime Minister recalled that the opposition and the authorities of one country and one history. “Poland is free and democratic, it is our common good. Want to March — Oh, you want to protest — protest, but respect the beliefs of others”, — leads her words RIA Novosti. Szydlo called on the opposition to respect the rights

101-year-old British paedophile found guilty

The Briton, born in 1915, convicted of sexual abuse of minors. On Friday, December 16, reports The Independent. Presumably, he was the oldest prisoner in the history of British justice. The Royal court of Birmingham recognized the 101-year-old Ralph Clark guilty of an 21 act of sexual violence. According to the publication, he committed crimes in the 1970s and ‘ 80s years in his garage and the truck driver whom he worked. The youngest victim of the Clarke was four years old. Many of the victims from the actions of a pedophile to date, over 45 years old. They went to the police last year when I saw on the page of an elderly man in Facebook congratulations with the centenary. During the interrogation, defendant confirmed that some of the victims of the incidents actually took place. At the same time he denies that he tried to commit serious sexual

The victims of the explosion in Turkey were 13 military

Undermined by bus As a result of explosion the bus with the military in the Turkish city of Kayseri 13 people were killed, 48 were injured. Such data, as reported by RIA Novosti, gave the General staff of the country. “At 08:45 in the terrorist attack aimed at the vehicle, which was traveling in the dismissal of soldiers and corporals, 13 of our comrades were killed and 48 were injured. The wounded were immediately taken to the hospital. Among the victims can be civilians”, — stated in the message. On Saturday morning, December 17, near the bus with the military exploded a car. The responsibility for the incident itself until no one picked up. A week ago, on 10 December, a powerful bomb exploded in Istanbul, killing more than 40 people, more than 150 were injured.

Erdogan has accused the Kurds in the blast in Kayseri

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a written statement blamed the explosion in Kayseri on the Kurdistan workers ‘ party (PKK). On Saturday, December 17, RIA Novosti reported. “The separatist terrorist organization (PKK — approx. “Of the”) is responsible for this. It uses all the possibilities. This attack is not independent from the events in Syria and Iraq. Turkey is under common impact of several terrorist groups”, — stated in the text. He also stressed that Turkey will continue to fight terrorism. Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that the explosion produced a suicide bomber. “Today there was an attack on a bus carrying military using suicide bombers,” according to the word Sabah. On Saturday morning, December 17, near the bus with the military exploded a car. The General staff of the country said that killed at least 13 people, another 48 were

The UN has completed its investigation of the attack on the convoy in Syria

The UN Commission has completed the investigation into the attack on a humanitarian convoy in Syria in September and handed over a confidential report with conclusions to the study Secretary-General ban Ki-moon. It is reported TASS with reference to the press service of the world organization of the statement. As noted, ban Ki-moon “very carefully” study the document in the coming days. “We have to figure out what happened, for the victims of this incident and their courageous colleagues who every day risk their lives to help those in need. The only way to learn from this incident and to help prevent its repetition,” — said in a communique. Ban Ki-moon in late September ordered the creation of a special Commission to investigate the incident. In October, the official representative has informed journalists that the government of Syria has promised to cooperate with investigators. In early December, the experts were

US intelligence called the deadline for submission of conclusions about intervention of Russia in election

Continued: Obama has avoided direct accusations against Russia of hacking attacks on the US The office of the Director of national intelligence promised in the coming weeks to formally submit to Congress the conclusions about how Russia is using hacking methods interfered in the election process of the President. This is stated in the message on the Agency’s website. It is noted that recently the office of the Director has received a request from members of Congress, several of the electors and the public to receive additional information on this topic. 7 Oct intelligence Director James Clapper publicly expressed confidence that the Russian authorities are behind the theft of letters to American politicians and institutions, and that these actions, as well as the burglary, carried out under the name of the hacker Guccifer 2.0, were intended to interfere in the election process. In his opinion, in Russia only the highest

Clinton linked the defeat in the elections with “personal accounts” Putin

Hillary Clinton Former democratic candidate in the presidential elections Hillary Clinton said that the aim of the hacker attacks against its staff and the leadership of the party committed, in her opinion, Russia was “undermining” of American democracy. She added that the instruction to carry out the attacks “came from the President of Russia Vladimir Putin”, as he “has a personal beef” to it, writes The New York Times. According to Clinton, Putin never forgave her made in 2011 to the charges, when she was Secretary of state that the parliamentary elections in Russia in the same year was rigged. “This is not just an attack on me and my campaign,” she said. “This attack on our country. We are faced with a fact that goes far beyond the usual political problems. We are talking about the integrity of our democracy and the security of our people,” she said. Clinton

The militants “Jabhat EN-Nusra” agreed to the evacuation of the wounded from Foix and Kefraya

The militants of the terrorist group “Jabhat Fatah al-sham” (formerly known as “Jabhat EN-Nusra”, banned in Russia) agreed to the evacuation of the wounded from the besieged Syrian cities of Foix and Kefraya in Idlib province. On Friday, 16 December, Reuters reported, citing a source. It is noted that the evacuation may start in the near future. The Governor of the Syrian province of Hama said that just for the transport of persons sent 29 trucks and ambulances, said RIA Novosti. More than three years Foix, Kefraya, inhabited by about 20 thousand people, are under siege of the militants “Jabhat EN-Nusra.” Previously, on 16 December it became known that all areas of Eastern Aleppo released. At the Russian Centre of reconciliation of the warring parties announced that the operation to withdraw from the Eastern districts of Aleppo of the militants and their family members completed. In total areas, which is

Turkey announced the construction of Syrian refugee camps of Aleppo

Refugees in Aleppo Evacuated from the Syrian city of Aleppo people located in the province of Idlib, which borders Turkey. It is reported by Anadolu. The head of the Turkish red Crescent branches Kerem Kınık said that the planned construction of a camp for 10 thousand tents. “The first phase of work (…) will take three to four days. In this regard, has already prepared the corresponding infrastructure”, he said. In turn, the Reuters Agency reports that Turkish experts have begun to prepare the two sites for the creation of refugee camps that accommodate 80 thousand people. Previously, on 16 December, soldiers loyal to the Syrian government militia reported that all areas of Eastern Aleppo liberated from the militants. This information was confirmed at the Russian Centre of reconciliation of the warring parties. There’s also said that the operation to withdraw from the Eastern districts of Aleppo of the militants

In Germany, 12-year-old boy tried to detonate a bomb at the Christmas market

At the Christmas market in the German city of Ludwigshafen (Rhineland-Palatinate) 12-year-old boy tried to detonate the bomb, Packed with nails. On Friday, December 16, Focus reports, citing a source in the judiciary and the rule of law. It is noted that a teenage West German citizen of Iraqi origin. According to the newspaper, the recruitment of child was involved in probably one of the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). Homemade bomb the boy was carried to the market in the backpack a few days after the unsuccessful attempt of blasting (explosion did not happen due to non-triggered detonator) hid in the bushes. Currently, the suspect is under investigation. The teenager, according to the publication, earlier it was going to go to Syria to fight alongside the is militants. In early November, the Berlin police arrested 27-year-old Syrian Ashraf al-T., suspected of involvement