In California there was a March of protest before the vote of the electors

Archive photo In California, held a protest demonstration against the elected President of Donald trump on the eve of voting the electoral College. About it reports Reuters. About two thousand people, dissatisfied with the rhetoric and program of the Republican, were held in Los Angeles. The March is timed to two events: the International migrants day celebrated on December 18 and the upcoming vote of the electoral College. People carried placards “Stop the trump”, “Refugees welcome” and “Make America again thinking”. “I would like to explain to Mr. Trump that we are immigrants, we help the economy grow and don’t demand anything for free,” said one of the protesters. At the election of the President of the United States on 8 November in California with big advantage won by Hillary Clinton. It also is ahead of trump by almost two million votes nationwide, but due to the peculiarities of the

Trump commented on the attacks by his opponents

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump commented on the numerous attacks on themselves and their supporters. His opinion he shared on Twitter. “If many of my supporters acted in the same way and threatened people, as do those who lost the election, they would be despised and called terrible words!” noted Republican. Recently, on the eve of voting of the electors, has increased the pressure on them. Many opponents of trump believe that even the electors from those States where he won the trump must vote either for his main rival Democrat Hillary Clinton, or any other representative of the Republican party. Opponents of trump indicated, in particular, that the number of votes nationwide, Clinton is ahead of trump by more than two million. They also remind us of the accusations against Russia, which allegedly using hackers got and released the material compromising the democratic leadership and the headquarters

Pousi arrested a woman in Berlin a native of Bulgaria

The man who shoved a woman down the stairs in the Berlin subway, arrested, writes Bild. It was them 27-the summer native of Bulgaria Svetoslav stojkov. One of the passengers of the bus, EN route from the South of France in the German capital, learned of the attacker and told the police. Stoykov met dozens of law enforcement officers. During the arrest he did not resist. Then stojkov was taken to the criminal investigation Department and interrogated. In Berlin, a native of Bulgaria, father of three, worked in the kitchen at a restaurant, then in construction. As the “Nova TV”, stojkov previously lived in Varna, in the Gypsy quarter Maksud. It is known that at home he was convicted of theft and robbery. The Berlin Prosecutor’s office said that the case is being investigated under article “Causing bodily harm” and “Attempted murder”. Stoykova could face up to 10 years in

More than half of Americans questioned the help of the hackers Trump in the election

Most Americans do not believe that the actions of hackers has helped the Republican Donald Trump to win the presidential election in the United States. This is evidenced by the results of a joint survey of the newspaper the Wall Street Journal and NBC TV. So, 57 percent of respondents believe that cyber attacks did not affect the outcome of the vote, 37 per cent hold the opposite point of view, another six percent were undecided. With 43 percent of respondents said that they “really care” reported attempts by foreign hackers to interfere in the election. Another 12 percent noted that this data concerning them, but not much. 23 percent of respondents said absolutely not worried about this. In the survey, which was conducted from 12 to 15 December, attended by thousands of residents of the United States. The probability of error was 3.1 percentage points. On December 17 The

Security forces freed the hostages from a castle in Jordan

The Castle Of El-Karak Security forces of Jordan freed the hostages taken by the militants of the medieval castle of El-Karak, reports Sky News Arabia. The victims of the attack were nine people. The situation is under full control of the security forces, and played all day, the shots stopped, reports TASS. According to media reports, the attack involved about 10 militants, their whereabouts are not reported. Among victims — five law enforcement officers, three local residents and a tourist from Canada, caught in the crossfire. About 30 people were injured. Previously reported eight victims. 18 December, armed men attacked a patrol of security forces and opened fire on the gendarmerie in a town in the South of the Kingdom. After this they took refuge in and popular tourist strongholds of the crusaders, and for several hours resisted the law enforcement officers surrounding them. Power of El-Karak admitted that behind

Called the exit condition from East Aleppo, the remaining militants

Pro-government forces and rebels in Syria have come to an agreement about the condition of evacuation from East Aleppo, the remaining fighters. On Sunday, December 18, according to a government TV station Al-Ihbaria, reports Reuters. Evacuation from Eastern neighborhoods of the city will resume in exchange for the withdrawal of people from the rebel-occupied the settlements of El-Fua and Kefraya in Idlib province. Under the terms of the transaction, from Aleppo will receive about 1.2 thousand civilians, after about as many people leave the El Foix and Cerau. “No one group of fighters and their families will not begin to move until the inhabitants of Foix and of Kefraya”, — underlined in the message. At present in these settlements, which are under the control of insurgents remain about 20 thousand people. 16 December, the militants of the terrorist group “Jabhat Fatah al-sham” (formerly known as “Jabhat EN-Nusra”, banned in Russia)

The Prime Minister of Australia asked for a referendum on changing the system

Malcolm Turnbull (right) The Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull called for converting the country into a Republic after the reign of Queen Elizabeth. He said this during a speech dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Republican movement, reports The Sydney Morning Herald Sunday, December 18. “I’m an Aussie and I’m proud of it. The head of state should be someone that can say the same,” — says Turnbull. However, he noted that he does not believe that Australians like the idea of another referendum on the Republican system, has not yet ended the reign of Elizabeth II. “Australians in all his life knew no other head of state except the Queen”, — he reminded. The politician said that before holding a new referendum, it is necessary to overcome the split between those who prefer direct presidential election those who favor the election of the parliamentary majority, which secured

In the US, a fallen tree killed a member of the wedding

At least one person was killed and five were injured by a falling tree on the participants of the wedding procession. Entry posted on Sunday, December 18, in the microblog in Twitter County fire Department Los Angeles, California, USA. — LACounty Fire PIO (@LACoFDPIO) 18 December 2016, 01:18 — LACounty Fire PIO (@LACoFDPIO) 18 December 2016, 01:32 According to the TV station KTLA, the incident occurred on 17 December at 16:45 local time in Penn Park, city of Whittier near Los Angeles. The celebration was attended by about 20 people. According to witnesses, they stood under a tree to take a picture when a large plant suddenly fell over, covering a few of those present. One of the witnesses to the incident, claims that the tree broke into two parts. — Gadi Schwartz (@GadiNBC) 18 December 2016, 01:24 At the scene arrived rescuers and six ambulances, victims assisted, some hospitalized.

Syria gave the OPCW evidence of the use of militants mustard

Syrian authorities handed over to representatives of the international mission of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) documentary evidence that the militants had used mustard gas in the province of Aleppo. As transfers RIA Novosti, on Sunday, December 18, reported the official representative of the national authority Syria on the implementation of the Convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons Samer Abbas. According to him, the mission was revised and adopted documents. “The mission once again come to Syria to collect samples that are subsequently analyzed,” he added, specifying that the samples are sealed and left on responsible storage to the Syrian side, until, until you have sought the Finance to send them on a Charter flight to the Hague. It is assumed that this can be done in January 2017. The mission of the OPCW statement by Abbas has not yet commented. On December 12, the

Trump disagreed with Michelle Obama about the fate of the United States

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump said he did not share the opinion of the wife of the current American leader Michelle Obama regarding the fate of the United States in connection with his victory in the elections. As reports on Sunday, 18 December, Fox News channel, he said this during a speech to supporters in the city of mobile (Alabama) “Michelle Obama says that there is no hope. I believe she was talking about the past, not the future. On the contrary, I believe that there is great hope and great potential. Our country will become great, like never before,” trump promised. He also expressed confidence that Michelle Obama meant something completely different and just bad choice of words. “I with wife Melania recently was in the White house. The President and his wife were extremely kind with us. I hope she [Michelle Obama] had something else in