The state Department forbade Americans to visit DPRK

The U.S. Department of state announced the membership since 1 September because of the ban on Americans to visit North Korea and demanded that already there are US citizens to leave the country. On Wednesday, August 2, reports Reuters.

It is noted that the ban will be in effect for the next year. Exceptions can be made only journalists and humanitarian workers.

On a possible ban of the U.S. authorities to its citizens on travel to North Korea became known on July 21. Then it was reported that the ban will be announced on 27 July and will enter into force after 30 days.

In June tortima Young Pioneer Tours refused to send travelers from the US to the DPRK after the death of a student of Otto Frederick Wambier. The young man earlier in the month died in hospital of Cincinnati (Ohio). Brain Bombara was badly damaged after imprisonment in North Korea.

In March 2016, the American was sentenced to 15 years in prison in North Korea. He was convicted of trying to steal a political poster during a vacation in Pyongyang, organized with Young Pioneer Tours. In June 2017 the North Korean authorities released Wambier.

