MakSim showed a figure in a new photo and impressed fans with her thinness

Singer MakSim surprised fans with her thinness in a photo in a tight dress Russian singer Marina Maksimova, known under the pseudonym MakSim fans, showed in which she is captured in tight clothes, and surprised them with her thinness. The corresponding frame appeared on her Instagram account on Friday, December 3. In the posted picture, a 38-year-old celebrity poses in a bright room. She is dressed in a black short dress, sheer stockings and high-heeled shoes. MakSim did not add a description to the post, which gained more than 30 thousand likes in one hour after publication. Fans expressed their impressions of the singer's appearance in the comments. “A real Snow Maiden, slender and neat”, “Girl with a model appearance”, “Lord, how thin she is”, “Graceful and charming”, “The figure of a 20-year-old girl!” – they wrote. In June it became known that MakSim was hospitalized with 40% lung damage.

Russian robotic bankers from Promobot started work in Oman

Promobot, SMEs and SMEs Corporation Bank: a project to equip the National Bank of Oman with robots Russian company Promobot with the support of SMEs and SMEs Corporation a project to equip bank branches of the National Bank of Oman with robotic consultants. To implement the project, which is being implemented as part of the Oman digitalization program, the company's production facilities were expanded. This was reported to by the press service of the SME Corporation. Russian robots will advise clients, talk about the bank's services, answer questions, help fill out documents and applications, removing some of the workload from the staff. In Russia, Promobot robots with similar functionality are already working in MFC branches. The project is divided into several stages. The robot has already started work and at the first stage will begin to perform the duties of a consultant. Three months later, the Bank's management evaluates

Diplomats from Europe bring omicron-strain COVID-19 to Botswana

Diplomats from Europe reported the first cases of infection with the omicron strain in Botswana … This was stated by the President of the State of Mokvetsi Masisi, RIA Novosti reports. Related materials 00:01 – 25 November “Almost a miracle happened” Coronavirus disappeared in Japan. When this happens in Russia – the biologist answers 00:01 – December 1 “There is reason for panic” What is dangerous about the new strain of coronavirus and what to expect from omicron to Russians? Biologist answers The first cases of infection with a new variant of COVID-19, according to the authorities, were recorded in four foreign citizens who arrived in the country on a diplomatic mission at the end of November. They left the state a few days later. “The diplomats came from a number of countries – from the countries of their origin, the countries where they work. They traveled through several other

Unexpected problems predicted for the Russian economy

Economist Nadoshin: the problem for the Russian economy is the balance of households for the Russian economy. The main problem, which may come as a big surprise, is the balance of households, says Evgeny Nadorshin, chief economist at PF Capital, RIA Novosti reports. find that it is at a level no higher than that which was in the United States and Europe before the crisis – for them 2007-2008, for us more than 2009, ”he said. The expert admits that the Russian economy will stagnate in 2022. Sova Capital economist Artem Zaigrin believes that geopolitical risks should not be forgotten. “When timber is cut, chips fly, and the US-China trade war could have a huge impact on us and other emerging markets,” he predicts. The economy will also be affected by high uncertainty about inflation and reaction interest rates, believes Dmitry Polevoy, investment director of Loko-Invest. He also noted the

Putin will be offered to raise salaries in the Federal Penitentiary Service to combat torture in colonies

Kommersant: HRC will offer to raise salaries of FSIN employees to end torture in colonies Human Rights Council (HRC) under the President Russia will draw up a report on “systemic violence” within the FSIN, in which, among measures to remedy the situation, it will be proposed to increase salaries for employees of correctional institutions, as well as to ensure the “inevitability of punishment” for people caught in torture. This was reported by Kommersant on Friday, December 3. The report and proposals of human rights defenders should be prepared for the annual meeting of HRC members with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which is scheduled for December 9. The document drawn up as a result of the inspection of Russian colonies will also be presented to the new leadership of the FSIN, Ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova and Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov. On November 10, member of the HRC Eva said about the upcoming

Poland shares intelligence on migration flows from Afghanistan

In Poland, hundreds of thousands of migrants from Afghanistan are expected to appear at the border organized by Minsk and criminal groups. The spokesman for the Polish government, Piotr Müller, shared the data of Polish diplomats and intelligence on migration risks, TASS reports. Related materials 00:01 – November 3 Ours is a stranger. Europe has accepted millions of refugees. Why are they now hated, considered terrorists and wanted to be kicked out? 00:01 – November 18 “They would rather die in Europe than return home” How migrants on the border with Poland changed life in Belarus “This is a risk that may appear in the coming weeks, in the coming months and on a large scale. We are talking about the risk of migration, reaching hundreds of thousands of people and even more, “- said the Polish representative. According to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Marcin Pshidach,

Russian robotic bankers from Promobot started work in Oman

Promobot, SMEs and SMEs Corporation Bank: a project to equip the National Bank of Oman with robots a project to equip bank branches of the National Bank of Oman with robotic consultants. To implement the project, which is being implemented as part of the Oman digitalization program, the company's production facilities were expanded. This was reported to by the press service of the SME Corporation. Russian robots will advise clients, talk about the bank's services, answer questions, help fill out documents and applications, removing some of the workload from the staff. In Russia, Promobot robots with similar functionality are already working in MFC branches. The project is divided into several stages. The robot has already started work and at the first stage will begin to perform the duties of a consultant. Three months later, the Bank's management evaluates the effectiveness of the product and decides on scaling. “Russian Promobot

Unexpected problems predicted for the Russian economy

Economist Nadoshin: the problem for the Russian economy is the balance of households Experts called “black swans” for the Russian economy. The main problem, which may come as a big surprise, is the balance of households, says Evgeny Nadorshin, chief economist at PF Capital, RIA Novosti reports. find that it is at a level no higher than that which was in the United States and Europe before the crisis – for them 2007-2008, for us more than 2009, ”he said. The expert admits that the Russian economy will stagnate in 2022. Sova Capital economist Artem Zaigrin believes that geopolitical risks should not be forgotten. “When timber is cut, chips fly, and the US-China trade war could have a huge impact on us and other emerging markets,” he predicts. The economy will also be affected by high uncertainty about inflation and reaction interest rates, believes Dmitry Polevoy, investment director of Loko-Invest.

Baikonur reduced the number of launch sites from 18 to 3

Roscosmos CEO Rogozin: a turning point has developed at the Baikonur cosmodrome Roscosmos CEO Dmitry Rogozin during his speech integration ”recalled the sixfold reduction in the number of launch sites at the Baikonur cosmodrome located in Kazakhstan and leased by Russia. The statement of the head of the state corporation is quoted by RIA Novosti. According to his words, a turning point has developed at the cosmodrome. “When we entered the lease agreement 25 years ago, there were 18 launch complexes, now there are three left,” the CEO said. According to him, two launch complexes remained for the launch of heavy Proton-M missiles. One – for the launches of medium launch vehicles “Soyuz-2”. “For Baikonur to continue its development, slogans are not enough, assurances of friendship are not enough. Launch complexes are needed, “the head of the state corporation said. Rogozin recalled that Russia is currently working with Kazakhstan on

Baikonur reduced the number of launch sites from 18 to 3

Roscosmos CEO Rogozin: a turning point has developed at the Baikonur cosmodrome integration ”recalled the sixfold reduction in the number of launch sites at the Baikonur cosmodrome located in Kazakhstan and leased by Russia. The statement of the head of the state corporation is quoted by RIA Novosti. According to his words, a turning point has developed at the cosmodrome. “When we entered the lease agreement 25 years ago, there were 18 launch complexes, now there are three left,” the CEO said. According to him, two launch complexes remained for the launch of heavy Proton-M missiles. One – for the launches of medium launch vehicles “Soyuz-2”. “For Baikonur to continue its development, slogans are not enough, assurances of friendship are not enough. Launch complexes are needed, “the head of the state corporation said. Rogozin recalled that Russia is currently working with Kazakhstan on the Baiterek project, which involves the launch