Media reported about the emergency hospitalization of Lev Leshchenko

Media reported about the emergency hospitalization of Lev Leshchenko MOSCOW, 9 Dec — RIA Novosti. People’s artist of the RSFSR Lev Leshchenko was urgently hospitalized from the Moscow concert hall “Mir” reports”.ru”. The singer became ill before the performance in the final of the all-Russian competition “For Peace”. Upstairs According to media reports, a woman was to speak in the final of the all-Russian competition “For peace”. Before going on stage 76-year-old artist became ill, he called an ambulance. The doctors made the decision about hospitalization. On diagnosed is not reported.

The candidates for the “Miss Universe” was lost on the way to the competition

The candidates for the “Miss Universe” was lost on the way to the competition The representative of Sierra Leone at the competition “Miss universe — 2018” Esther Bangura disappeared. She swam to the contest in Thailand on the ship, but never made it, reports El Nacional. Upstairs As notes the edition, almost all the remaining participants except Bangura, already preparing for the event on the spot. They chose to come by plane. Sierraleone was to arrive in Thailand on December 5, but it is still no news. The latest publication Bangura in Instagram is dated 29 Nov. Is it a picture-postcard for the contest. In the photo she is depicted next to the pool in a swimsuit. On the official contest page Bangura has not yet appeared in the section involved. The final competition will be held in Thai capital Bangkok on December 17. Russia will be represented by Julia

The Finnish journalist “deprived” of the status of St. Petersburg cultural capital of Russia

The Finnish journalist “deprived” of the status of St. Petersburg cultural capital of Russia MOSCOW, 9 Dec — RIA Novosti. The correspondent of the Finnish broadcasting company Yle, Kerstin Kronwall compare Moscow and St. Petersburg, to doubt that St. Petersburg is the cultural capital of Russia. Upstairs Kronwall is very funny and “completely incomprehensible” that the inhabitants of St. Petersburg, as it seems, “it is vital to explain that their city is better than the capital of the country”, while in Moscow itself, according to the journalist, such is not found. “Love” of St. Petersburg residents to call their city to the Russian cultural capital is the only “quiet smile.” According to the journalist, Moscow symbolizes the “dynamic development, speed, wealth and a certain arrogance”, while Petersburg is a friendly metropolis that is the feeling of “small town”. “It’s a little slower, a little poorer and a little more conservative

Naryshkin told how to get on the SVR and GRU

Naryshkin told how to get on the SVR and GRU Director of the foreign intelligence Service (SVR) Sergei Naryshkin said that his office does not compete with the GRU (Main intelligence Directorate, is currently the Main Directorate of the General staff of the Russian armed forces). He stated this in the “actors with Naila Asker-zade” on TV channel “Russia 1 Upstairs According to him, the SVR and the GRU not only compete, but help each other in work. We have great respect for our colleagues. It’s talented people. We share experience, we share intelligence, help each other. So call it a competition — well, no. Previously Naryshkin said as he met with Putin. See also: Military intelligence is determined by prospects Putin proposed to restore the name for a GRU military intelligence of Russia

Naryshkin said as he met with Putin

Naryshkin said as he met with Putin MOSCOW, 9 Dec — RIA Novosti. The head of the foreign intelligence Service Sergei Naryshkin said that he met his future Russian leader Vladimir Putin in 1980 during his service in the Leningrad KGB. Upstairs About it it is told in the actors with Naila Asker-zade” on TV channel “Russia 1”. In 1978 Naryshkin graduated from the Leningrad mechanical Institute. According to him, almost immediately after that he was sent to Moscow for a two-year study at the Higher school of the KGB. Currently it is called the Academy of the FSB. As told the head of the SVR, two years later, he returned to Leningrad and started rebuttal in the intelligence division of the Leningrad KGB. According to him, Putin also took place there service. Thus, Naryshkin a year studying with the future President. See also: Naryshkin told how to get on

France is investigating the alleged involvement of Russia to the protests of the “yellow jackets”

France is investigating the alleged involvement of Russia to the protests of the “yellow jackets” MOSCOW, 9 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Minister of foreign Affairs of France Jean-Yves Le Drian said that the General Secretariat for defence and national security (SGDSN) conducts an investigation about the alleged involvement of Russia to the protests in the country. Наверх20фотографий20фотографий20фотографий The Times newspaper previously reported that the social networking site Twitter has hundreds of accounts allegedly related to Russia, which, according to the newspaper, the daily published more than 1.5 thousand messages to “zoom in street protests” in France. It was noted that the accounts “were spreading disinformation, using pictures of injured protesters and other protests to exaggerate the facts about the brutality of the French police”. “I heard the rumors. Now the General Secretariat for defence and national security are investigating. Look at the results of this investigation. I won’t judge

IOC: talk about enabling e-sports to the Olympic program earlier

IOC: talk about enabling e-sports to the Olympic program earlier The participants of the Olympic summit came to the conclusion that to discuss the inclusion of eSports in the Olympic medal program prematurely. Upstairs Posted on the website of the International Olympic Committee communiqué underlined that the Olympic movement cannot ignore the growing popularity of eSports, but the use of the term sport in relation to electronic gaming “requires further discussion and study.” The participants of the meeting in Lausanne said that some of the games are contrary to the Olympic values that preclude cooperation with them. The electronic games industry is driven by commercial interests, while the sports movement is based on values. However, the contradiction does not apply to some games, and the summit encourages accelerated cooperation with these games and encourages international sports federations to study the possible benefits of using electronic forms in traditional sports. “It

She felt evil and wrestled with him all his life. Died Lyudmila Alexeyeva

She felt evil and wrestled with him all his life. Died Lyudmila Alexeyeva On the evening of 8 December 2018 became aware of the death of the oldest Russian human rights activist Lyudmila Alexeyeva. “” recalls her difficult fate, deprivation and relationship with the authorities. Upstairs Lyudmila Alexeyeva is always something to reproach. The Brezhnev stagnation, the KGB warned the prominent participant of the dissident movement about the inadmissibility of “anti-Soviet activities”, under Medvedev’s eve 2010, she was arrested by riot police for participating in an unsanctioned rally on triumph square, and one and a half years ago midst a Facebook demshiza accused human rights activist honored in the “compromise” and almost in “collaboration”. The reason for this persecution was that Lyudmila Mikhailovna happy birthday personally congratulated the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. It hardly makes sense to recite a biography Alexeyeva — enough to read at least an article

Pushkov: statement Chubais exacerbates the relationship of business and society

Pushkov: statement Chubais exacerbates the relationship of business and society MOSCOW, 9 Dec — RIA Novosti. Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov believes that his statement about the ingratitude of the Russians, the Chairman of the Board “RUSNANO” Anatoly Chubais only aggravates relations between society and business. Upstairs Previously, Chubais said that the Russians need to thank entrepreneurs. According to him, in particular, the business “country rebuilt” restored “hopelessly collapsed” the Soviet enterprise, returned salaries and fill the budget. “It’s all done by those whom society calls the oligarchs… in other words not even invented,” said Chubais. “Chubays should not have raised the subject of gratitude business. The appreciation from the majority of the society, its appeal will increase — rather the opposite. With this statement, it rather exacerbates relations between society and business than establishes them,” Pushkov wrote on Twitter.

The American Ambassador was summoned to the foreign Ministry of China

The American Ambassador was summoned to the foreign Ministry of China BEIJING, 9 Dec — RIA Novosti. Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of China Le Yucheng called the U.S. Ambassador, who made a submission in connection with the arrest of the Treasurer of Huawei Meng Wanzhou, said the foreign Ministry. Upstairs The diplomat thanked Ambassador Terry Branstad strong protest. Earlier it became known that the man Wanzhou is the daughter of Huawei founder Ren Janvey and Deputy Chairman of the management Board of the company was arrested in the canadian city of Vancouver on December 1. Its extradition request of the USA on suspicion in violation of us trade sanctions against Iran. Embassy of China in Canada called the detention a gross violation of human rights and has made a submission to both the US and Canada. On the eve of China promised Canada serious consequences if the top Manager