Arctic Mirage as the reason for discoveries. Baron toll and Kolchak in search of Sannikov Land Island in the Kara sea is named Kolchak, but recalls is not about the Civil war, and about the scientific feats of the future Admiral, in 1900-1902 years exploring the Arctic seas and discovered new lands. Desert island in the Kara sea was opened in 1901 and later named after its discoverer — Lieutenant Alexander Kolchak. In the Russian polar expedition the first years of the XX century Kolchak made real and recognized scientific feats, explored the Arctic seas and discovered new lands, and then returned there in search of missing comrades, tried to find the mysterious Sannikov Land. The myth of the Sannikov Land The myth of the existence of places where the Arctic becomes a likeness of the tropics due to the outside thermal waters, known by the science-fiction novel by Vladimir