Military leave on the front page

Military leave on the front page

The newspaper “Krasnaya Zvezda” prepare for reformatting.

As it became known””, the defense Ministry is thinking about restarting the newspaper “Red star”, produced under the auspices of the Department since 1923. According to “Kommersant”, the Ministry plans to increase the readability of the publication and to expand its audience: the focus will be on exclusivity of content. In the future we can go about creating a separate holding company that will combine its database for all the print media Department.

That the defense Ministry is going to restart the work of the newspaper “Krasnaya Zvezda”, “Kommersant” reported several officers of the Central apparatus of the Ministry. According to them, the concept development is underway for several months: it is expected that this work will be completed by October, after which it will submit for approval to the leadership of the Ministry.

Its main directions are already defined, says one of the interlocutors “Kommersant”: the newspaper will provide exclusive information about the state of Affairs in the army and Navy, as well as increase the number of interviews with military commanders.

It is planned to increase the salaries of the magazine’s staff and to recruit new journalists (including graduates of civilian universities, specialty): one of the challenges will be bringing their salaries in line with the market. In the future, according to “Kommersant”, “Red star” can unite all the publications of the Department (a total of more than 20 pieces, including “Military watch”, “Military railroad”, “Strazh Baltiki”, “Suvorov onslaught”, etc.), becoming a full-fledged printing company in the status of the research.

