In 30 districts of the state of Texas introduced a state of calamity because of “Harvey”

In 30 districts of the state of Texas due to cyclone “Harvey” introduced a state of distress. About it reports Fox News.

“The Texans believe that in the event of an emergency we must act and be alert, said the state Governor, Greg Abbott. — So I take preliminary steps before the cyclone “Harvey” will fall on our coast.”

By order of the Abbot rescue services are on full alert in case the need to help the people and to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. Under forecasts of weather forecasters, the cyclone can cause flooding in Texas.

Now the cyclone “Harvey” is in the Gulf of Mexico, 700 miles South-East of the us city of Mansfield. He’s approaching the coast at a speed of four kilometers per hour. Meteorologists warn that by Friday he can turn into a hurricane.

