Putin proposed to move the capital of the Urals

Yury Krupnov

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Institute of demography, migration and regional development Yury Krupnov has written to Russian President Vladimir Putin the project of the “Doctrine of razmokanija”, in which he proposed to move the capital of the Urals. It is reported by RT.

The demographer believes that it is necessary to move away from an economy centered in Moscow, to the development of the whole country, especially the Far East and Siberia.

Krupnov wrote that Russia “hypercentralisation” Moscow region “has absorbed almost one fifth of the entire Russian population.” In addition, the national development punctuated only by 15-25 Russian cities, which are home to more than 50 percent of Russians. The expert notes that the Russians live in the 7-10 “kuchenne, closer and detainee than the British and the Germans.”

“Internally accumulating in a narrow, restricted point areas, the Russian people will continue to lose momentum life creativity. They do not want to increase the size of their families, to move away from a global plague, and the few children of extinction” — the expert predicts.

This situation can lead to loss by Russia of its geopolitical advantages. Russia may also lose its sovereignty over remote from large urban areas, I’m sure the largest.

The demographer believes that Russia should abandon Metropolitan urbanization in favor of low-rise landscape manor development. This will allow you to “Russian re-master your endless space, their own land and will contribute to the care of the few children in forced recovery and population growth,” concludes the expert.

