In South Korea presented writing notes on the activities of the robot journalist
A South Korean news Agency Yonhap submitted robot journalist Soccerbot, which itself writes notes about the football matches of the English Premier League (EPL), said the news Agency.
The program uses a database of words and sentences, written by journalists of the Agency. The note is written in three phases — data collection, writing text and grammar check.
In addition, the robot compares data from five sources to confirm the accuracy of the information.
While editing the program preorganizational the material structure depending on the outcome of matches and participate in the games, South Korean athletes.
Yonhap introduces ‘robot reporter’ to cover football games
— Yonhap News Agency (@YonhapNews) 14 Aug 2017
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Robot journalist has been successfully tested, creating notes on the results of the matches of the English Premier League season the period of 2016-2017 years. In total he has released a 380 auto pilot articles, each of which came out within one or two seconds after the end of the game. Soccerbot will cover the entire season of the EPL matches in 2017-2018.
According to Yonhap, the Agency develop a new program for coverage of the winter Olympics 2018 in Pyeongchang.