The defense Ministry explained the refusal to shoot of the “Aurora” November 7

The Cruiser “Aurora”

The cruiser “Aurora” will not be able to make a shot in the day of the century of the October revolution (November 7, 2017), so as of now it is not the existing military equipment. On Saturday, August 5, the radio station “Echo of Moscow” said the head of Department of Museum-exhibition work of Department of culture of the Ministry of defense Valery Klimov.

“It’s a Museum piece. Any use of the exhibit not to destination can lead to its deterioration” — he said, answering a reporter’s question.

According to Klimov, the ship could simulate volley, but this decision, if adopted, will require a separate discussion.

The representative of the Ministry also reminded that the historical significance of the shot of the “Aurora” remains unclear. “Until now, different opinions, rumors, and historians came to the same conclusion, when she was shot where she was shot and what happened,” he said.

The cruiser Aurora was commissioned in 1903. A widespread legend according to which the broadside of the ship was the signal to storm the Winter Palace in 1917 (25 October old style). Historians agree that the shot really was one and single, but many researchers since the beginning of the armed rebellion he is not bound. In the first days of the October revolution in the media spread the news that the “Aurora” shot at the Palace, but the crew immediately denied it. The team claimed that the volley was made only in order to warn all ships on the Neva river about vigilance and preparedness.

