Slutsky noted the need to “rip common sense” in relations with the United States

Leonid Slutsky

Kontrsanktsii Russia to the American diplomats completely appropriate and natural, says the head of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky. This opinion was expressed on air of TV channel “Russia 24” on Friday, July 28, reports TASS.

“Nothing here is not extreme, with some brute force,” — said the MP. He stressed that Moscow had long urged Washington to cancel the decision on arrest of departmenti and the expulsion of diplomats, the White house is “such calls are not heard”.

According to Slutsky, now in relations with the United States Russia will have to “bit by bit gnaw common sense where possible.”

First Deputy Chairman of the Duma international Affairs Committee Dmitri Novikov, in turn, has expressed opinion that Moscow will not be able soon to normalize relations with Washington because it focuses on solving internal political problems.

July 28, the foreign Ministry said that the U.S. Embassy staff in Moscow will be denied access to the country in the Silver forest, and storerooms on the Road outside. In addition, Russia has demanded to reduce number of employees of the us diplomatic mission to 455 people.

28 July the us Senate passed a package of new sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea.

