Salaries of women in Russia is one-third lower than men’s, said in the Commission OP

Salaries of women in Russia is one-third lower than men’s, said in the Commission OP

MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Women in Russia receive salaries 30% lower than men in similar positions, said Wednesday the Chairman of the Commission of Public chamber (OP) of the Russian Federation on social policy, labor relations, labor Union relations and support veterans Natalia Pochinok.

“About 30% of the gender principle between a woman and a man. In the same position if man and woman are… woman receives 30% less than a man,” said Pochinok during the round table in the Public chamber on the issue of discrimination in labour relations.

She also believes that the number of terms of the Russian legislation is discriminatory, including the concept of “time of survival” and “old age pension” for women 55 years.

Member OP the Russian Federation also considers discrimination the lack of indexation of pensions to working pensioners. “The fact that we have some time set reindexation (ed — pensions) for working pensioners, economically puts them in a discriminatory position,” said Pochinok.

In Russia abolished the indexation of pensions to working pensioners since January of 2016.

