The EU has threatened the US with retaliation in the event of damage due to sanctions

The EU has threatened the US with retaliation in the event of damage due to sanctions

The European Commission is ready to take emergency measures in case the US sanctions against Russia threaten energy security of the European Union, reads the statement of the Chairman of the Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, issued after his meeting with European commissioners on Wednesday.

U.S. interests should not have priority over the energy security of Europe, said Juncker. “Approved in the U.S. the bill could have unintended unilateral effects that will affect the EU interests in energy security” — presented in the statement of the words of the head of the European Commission.

So, in the EU fear that the new us sanctions may hamper development of the system of pipelines used for the transportation of Russian gas through Ukraine to Europe.

“We decided that if our interests are not sufficiently taken into account, we will be ready to take appropriate action within a few days,” the statement said. About what measures there is a speech, is not specified.

In this case, the European Commission noted that, in General, the EU still intends to adhere to the sanctions regime in order to ensure the implementation by Russia of the Minsk agreements. “This is a key objective that is common to the EU and the USA”, — said in a statement.

