Ukrainian actor Gorbunov urged Kiev and Moscow to make peace

KYIV, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Ukrainian actor Alexei Gorbunov, known for his roles in the movie “dudes” and “Inhabited island” says that Kiev and Moscow should reconcile to resolve the situation in the Donbass.

“We have to reconcile. Because, firstly, it is already very long and people are dying on all sides. And the task of all people to end the war at all and find a way out,” Gorbunov said in an interview with the Television news service (TSN) Ukrainian TV channel “1+1”.

He also spoke against the reciprocal of the sanctions. Gorbunov said that friends with many Russian artists, including Mikhail Efremov, Sergey Garmash and Sergei Shnurov. He said that many Russian colleagues his “brothers”. The actor added that his “heart bleeds for the fourth year” because of the events in the Donbass.

