Atlantic: The assistant to Congressman Rohrabacher fired for ties with Russia


Assistant to the Congressman-Republican This Rohrabacher Paul Berends dismissed from his post in the foreign Affairs Committee of the house of representatives of the United States because of its ties with Russia, reports The Atlantic.

As told to a representative of the Committee, Paul Berendt no longer works in the Committee.

According to Atlantic, the dismissal was connected with the emergence of reports about the fact that he maintains relationships with Pro-Russian lobbyists.

According to one of the anonymous sources, the dismissal occurred under the pressure of the head of the Committee on foreign Affairs ed Royce.

In 2016 Dana Rohrabacher visited Moscow, where, according to him, received from the Prosecutor’s office against the “Magnitsky act”.

It is noted that, Berends accompanied Rohrabacher on the trip. The congressmen went to Moscow, despite concerns from the American Embassy.

