“The rock” Johnson was nominated for the presidency of the United States

“The rock” Johnson was nominated for the presidency of the United States

Wrestler and actor Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson nominated for U.S. President. About it reports The Independent.

Application for participation in the Johnson presidential campaign-2020 was submitted to the Federal election Commission on behalf of a Kenton Tilford from West Virginia. Officials find it difficult to say who is the actor.

Personalan Johnson

It clarifies the issue, informed Johnson repeatedly mentioned that he is not averse to engage in politics. In may 2017, he said: “I was very much concerned about the fate of our country, and the idea that I can one day become President to give the policy a positive impact and do global changes, very inspiring. But until that happens, it is very important that the head of the country now and in the future there was a strong and honest leader.”

Dwayne Johnson, nicknamed “the Rock” is an American professional wrestler and actor, multiple winner and prize-winner of chempionatov the wrestling. Since 2001 began acting in films, in 2002 he performed the title role in the movie “the Scorpion King”. Fee “Rocks” in $ 5.5 million was recorded in the Guinness Book of records as the highest fee for first major role.

