The Prosecutor’s office justified the state of emergency in may in Moscow hurricane

The Prosecutor’s office justified the state of emergency in may in Moscow hurricane

The city Prosecutor’s office of Moscow examined the work of the Ministry of emergencies alerts about the storm on may 29, which killed 18 people. Prosecutors came to the conclusion that rescue personnel recognized the hurricane emergency due to weather forecasts.


On the audit Prosecutor’s office work of the emergency services said in response to the request of the Deputy of the state Duma from the Communist party Valery Rashkin. With the document signed by the Prosecutor of Moscow Vladimir Churikov has reviewed the Russian service Bi-bi-si.

29 may in Moscow and the Moscow region has passed hurricane. Powerful winds knocked down 27-of-thousands of trees, damaged the roof of the 240 houses and more than 2 thousand cars. The Agency “Interfax” called the most deadly hurricane in the last 100 years. It has affected more than 200 people, 18 people were killed.

After the hurricane, the Deputy Rashkin asked the Prosecutor’s office, the mayor’s office and FEMA to review the system for warning citizens about emergency situations and the actions of the rescue services.

The Prosecutor’s office conducted an audit of the service and came to the conclusion that MOE was not there to take the hurricane to the emergency situation. According to the order of the Ministry of emergency situations “On approval of criteria of information on emergency situations” for attributing the strong wind to an emergency situation its speed should reach 25 m/s And the emergency situations Ministry in Moscow had information from Roshydromet on the wind only at 22 m/s, writes attorney Churikov, so violations by the MOE was not, he said.

“The reason for the response is not available,” reads the Prosecutor’s response.

Muscovites actively discussed in social networks the lack of proper warning about the disaster. Interviewed Russian service Bi-bi-si, the readers reported that it did not receive SMS-mailing from MOE with a warning not to go outside.

The MOE claimed that he had asked the mobile operators to send out a warning about the hurricane. Employees of the operators, told “Vedomosti” that were not able to send out alerts to all its subscribers in Moscow from-for too late came the request from the MOE.

The representative of Roshydromet claimed that the weather service warned of emergency situations of impending bad weather two days before the hurricane. In the MOE said in response that sent by the Roshydromet forecast did not fall under the category of emergency.

Forecasters later said that their forecast three hours before the start of the hurricane on the wind of 17-22 m/s is equivalent to a dangerous phenomenon, since under such conditions there may be damage that is comparable to the wind 28 m/s.

To request Rashkin said the Minister of emergency situations Vladimir Puchkov (with answer reviewed Russian service Bi-bi-si). He also referred to the forecast of Roshydromet on strong enough winds to the emergency mode. Beams says that the alert was made on the Bulletin Board in the streets of Moscow and in the media, and that it complies with the law.

In the Minister’s response also States that the Ministry “started the development of a draft national standard in parts of developing a unified classification of adverse levels of dangerous phenomena,” and that informing the public by using operators need to be refined.

30 June in Moscow collapsed a downpour the day before weather forecasters as the most severe in 50 years. However, this time the majority of Muscovites have not received a SMS with a warning of emergency situations, the survey showed the Russian service Bi-bi-si on Facebook.

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