Deputies gathered to oblige parents to treat HIV-infected children

Oksana Pushkina

The state Duma is preparing a bill requiring parents to send children with HIV to treatment. This “parliamentary newspaper” said the Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on the family, Oksana Pushkina.

According to the parliamentarian, the treatment will be conducted even in cases where the parents oppose. The document will be considered at the autumn session.

“Not wanting to face the truth, mother deprive her own child of a chance at life. The child that can be saved, if we accept that the cause of his suffering — human immunodeficiency virus. Contrary to the superstitions of HIV-dissidents, it is an existing mortal threat,” — said Pushkin.

Earlier in July, who considered HIV infected fiction resident of Tyumen sent to court after the death of her young daughter from the virus of the 4th stage. A woman is charged under part 1 of article 109 of the criminal code (“Causing death on imprudence”). A woman suffering from human immunodeficiency virus, gave birth to a daughter in 2014. From examination of the child for infection she refused. In addition, the woman herself was not treated and, contrary to recommendations of doctors, fed her daughter breast, thereby increasing the risk of infection.

In April, the presidential Commissioner for children’s rights Anna Kuznetsova said that patients with HIV-infection of children of citizens who deny the existence of this disease must be treated. She argued that we must act in the best interests of the child. While Kuznetsova made against the compulsory removal of children with HIV, parents with HIV-dissidents.

In January 2016 the number of HIV-infected people in Russia exceeded one million people.

