The U.S. military and South Korea responded to the rocket launch of the DPRK

American and South Korean military in response to the DPRK’s testing of an Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) have held joint exercises. About it reports Reuters with reference to the statement of the US Army.

The military carried out a missile firing into the waters of the territorial waters of South Korea. Were involved American tactical missile systems (.) and South Korean missiles Hyunmoo II.

Earlier on 5 July, the North Korean authorities announced that the ICBM tested July 4, capable of carrying a large nuclear warhead. North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, in turn, confirmed the intention of Pyongyang to develop a missile that could hit the U.S. mainland this year.

At the request of Washington, Seoul and Tokyo, July 5 will be an open meeting of the UN Security Council. The session will discuss the North Korean missile test.

On 4 July, the North Korean authorities reported the successful test of a new Intercontinental ballistic missile. According to Pyongyang, has not previously tested the rocket “And 14” flying 933 kilometers, reached an altitude of 2802 km and just hit the target after 39 minutes after launch.

