Trump held a fifth of a presidential term in their Golf clubs

Donald Trump

The President of the United States Donald trump spent in owned Golf clubs one fifth of the time since taking office. Such data are cited by NBC News.

Journalists have calculated that on July 4, trump has been in power for 165 days, 49 of which the head of state held in their private estates, and 35 — owned Golf clubs. In this regard, the channel recalled Trump words said during the election campaign. The then presidential candidate said that the voters should vote for him because he will be spending a lot of time in Washington, will not take vacations and play Golf, as he will be too much work.

For comparison NBC News recalls that for the first four months of the presidency of the former head of state Barack Obama has played Golf once, and tramp over the same period — 15. But the exact number of matches could not be identified, this information administration is either hiding, or share it only with great reluctance.

According to the TV channel that passion to the trump pastime in their possessions makes you think about the ethics of such behavior: the state of money spent on support activities and the protection of the President, in fact, flow to the accounts of his firms and companies.

“The President’s trip could cost the taxpayers millions of dollars due to the use of the aircraft of the head of state, costs for staff of the Secret service, Coast guard, enhance safety measures at local levels. However, the exact calculation of these costs cannot be produced, because such costs shall not be disclosed” — sums up NBC News.

Donald trump has entered a post of the President of the United States January 20, 2017.

