Media: Ivanka trump took a photograph of a footballer for the image of the Saint

Media: Ivanka trump took a photograph of a footballer for the image of the Saint MOSCOW, may 26 — RIA Novosti. A curious incident occurred during a visit to the daughter of the President of the United States Donald trump of the restaurant in Rome “Cafe St. Ignatius”. As the portal FourFourTwo, Ivanka took a picture of the Holy picture of the forward of “Lazio” Giorgio Kinali. Daughter of the American leader asked the owner what kind of Saint is depicted in the picture. “It’s not a Saint, but a great champion, “Lazio”, — said the restaurateur. Ivanka Trump thought Lazio legend Giorgio Chinaglia was a Christian Saint — 101 Great Goals (@101greatgoals) may 25, 2017 Giorgio Kinala played for Lazio between 1969 and 1976. On account of his 140 goals in 263 appearances for the Rome football club.

In Moscow said the unwillingness of the USA to dialogue on missile defense

Moscow did not withdraw proposals for a new agreement on ballistic missile defense (BMD), but the signal of readiness for dialogue with the new administration yet. In an interview with RIA Novosti said the Deputy head of the Department for nonproliferation and arms control, the Russian foreign Ministry Vladimir Leontyev. “We have always advocated cooperation in this area, made appropriate suggestions, but the key question and the key aspect is that such interaction must be equal and take into account the interests and concerns of both sides,” the diplomat stressed, commenting on the possibility of achieving any future agreement with the United States on a new agreement on missile defense. On 26 April the first Deputy chief of the Main operations Directorate of the General staff of the armed forces Viktor Posenichi said that the deployment of the American missile defense system in Europe (European missile defense) and the adjoining

When trying to sell a tomb with a skeleton in Turkey detained a 12 “black archeologists”

Police in the Turkish province Eskisehir detained 12 black archaeologists who tried to sell an ancient tomb with a skeleton inside. This was reported by the newspaper Hürriyet, the article quoted by Hurriyet Daily News. The tomb belonged to the Byzantine period. She asked for four million dollars. The guards, pretending to be buyers. After the “black archaeologists” were detained, the tomb was sent to study in the archaeological Museum. The court went to 10 of the 12 suspects, others were released during the investigation. In April, Turkish archaeologists have discovered in the province of Hatay ancient Greek mosaic. It depicts a skeleton holding a Cup of wine (pictured next to a loaf of bread and bottle). The inscription reads: “have Fun and enjoy life.”

A Scottish schoolgirl has accused teachers of a war crime

A pupil of one of schools of Scotland has accused teachers in the Commission of a war crime. This was reported by her father on Twitter. — Mason Cross (@MasonCrossBooks) 25 may 2017, 10:22 On the feedback form in the box “That teachers could do better” 11 year old girl wrote: “do Not use the principle of collective punishment. It is unfair to the many people who have done nothing. In addition, based on the provisions of the Geneva Convention of 1949, is a war crime”. “Here I think to punish her or to buy ice cream” — shared with users of social networks are puzzled by the girl’s father. Mason Cross explained in an interview with BBC News that the daughter likes the teacher, but the education system raises questions. On the suspicion that a note he wrote himself, Cross said, “Dude, if I made it up, it still

Yekaterinburg grader with cerebral palsy I forgot to call for last call

At school No. 23 city of Yekaterinburg the first-grader with severe cerebral palsy have forgotten to call for the celebration of the last call on may 25. It is reported According to the Ural parent Committee, informed the boy was not invited to celebrate Victory Day and to shoot for the Yearbook. “This is done on purpose, because he doesn’t like. The leadership of the school and of the teacher who so treat the child, no conscience, no brain,” — said the head of the organization Eugene Gapeev. The head of the Department of education of Ekaterinburg Ekaterina Sibirtseva said that the incident occurred due to negligence by the school, due to a large number of first-graders. She also apologized to the boy and his mother and promised that for the rest of the holidays, the child will be invited. The Prosecutor stated that the fact of discrimination will

In the Museum of Moscow will host a charity Malabaricone

In the courtyard of the Museum of Moscow on Zubovsky Boulevard on Saturday, may 27, held a charity Malabaricone “All I want outside!”. About it reported to “” the organizers of the event. All proceeds from the sale of vintage bicycles, scooters, rollers and skateboards will be used for the purchase of electric wheelchairs for the children’s hospice “House of a lighthouse”. The cost of each of these strollers is around half a million rubles. Guests of the event, the organizers promise free entry and additional racks. The program BMX show from the Champion of Russia Anton Evstifeeva, concert and food festival “Cult Pilaf”. Partners Elobarate prepared for visitors over 1,000 bottles of various soft drinks and as many servings of ice cream. The whole day will sound a DJ set, and the evening will be a concert of Polina Ice and the vocal group “Romario”. Here it will be

The authorities of Moscow region plan to sign more than a dozen investment projects in the SPIEF

The Moscow region plans to sign more than ten agreements on priority areas at the St. Petersburg international economic forum (SPIEF), said the Chairman of the regional government Denis Butsaev. His words leads to “Interfax” on Friday, may 26. “It’s agribusiness, agricultural area, will sign a major agreement on food processing,” said Butsaev. In addition, the results of negotiations with investors can be an agreement on the establishment of the new transport cluster in the Moscow region, said the Chairman. May 25, Butsaev said that the authorities of the Moscow region until the end of the year plans to submit to the government the documents for the establishment of a special economic zone (SEZ) in the city district of Domodedovo. The main activities of the international economic forum will be held from 1 to 3 June. During the main session will discuss the main global economic trends, key issues on

In the Kremlin told about the details of Putin’s visit to Paris

In the Kremlin told about the details of Putin’s visit to Paris On may 29 the Russian leader in France, will hold talks with the country’s new President Emmanuel Macron, as well as visit the exhibition at Versailles and the Russian spiritual cultural center in Paris. The main objective of the visit was familiarization of the heads of state, the assistant to the President. Monday, may 29, the Russian President will pay a working visit to France. In Versailles, Vladimir Putin will meet his French counterpart Emmanuel macron. First, they will communicate personally, then held a working lunch with the members of the delegations, told reporters at a briefing in the Kremlin on 26 may, presidential aide Yuri Ushakov. At the end of the talks, the presidents will visit the Palace of the Grand Trianon, the exhibition “Peter the Great. The king of France. 1717”, dedicated to the 300th anniversary

Kadyrov told about the refusal to join the Komsomol in childhood

Photo: RIA Novosti “Today when I visited their home school in Centar I remembered how she refused to wear a red tie. It was my children’s protest against the anti-religious campaign of the USSR. I even collected all the pioneer ties, cut them and put in the teacher’s table,” he wrote. According to Kadyrov, Soviet atheistic propaganda has split the society. “I was summoned “on the carpet”, but their beliefs, I refused. And will never give up. But to join the Komsomol and I refused. The reason for this was again the atheistic propaganda. We were approached during the month of Eid, given water, candy and looked fast or not,” – said Kadyrov. He said that now Russia is a constitutional state where the Constitution stipulates freedom of religion. According to Kadyrov, the believers, as the Scriptures are under protection of the law.

Zakharov commented on the initiative of Kyiv to introduce a visa regime with Russia

Photo: RIA Novosti Maria Zakharova compared the proposal of the Ukrainian politicians to cancel the visa-free regime with Russia with an anecdote about “of mice and cactus.” The words of the official representative the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia, reports RIA Novosti. May 18, the deputies of the faction “popular front” made in the Verkhovna Rada with the proposal to introduce a visa regime with Russia. On 22 may, the leader of the faction Maxim Bourbaki again urged the Ukrainian Parliament to abolish the visa-free regime with Russia. 21 may a number of Ukrainian media reported that the vote on the issue can pass in Parliament this week. The Kremlin said that Russia in the issue of the visa regime will be based on the principle of reciprocity.