Former White house employees are forbidden to lobby for the interests of other countries

The US President Donald trump has signed a decree banning former officials of the administration to promote the interests of other States and imposes a five year limit on the rest of the lobbying. Reported by the Associated Press.

The decree replaces the decree of the former President Barack Obama, which prohibits former officials from lobbying for two years.

By trump, commenting on the document, said that those who want to work in his team must focus on the interests of the American people, not for their own benefit at the expense of influence in the government. He recalled that he had repeatedly spoken about the need to ban lobbying during the election campaign, and is now fulfilling its promise.

About trump’s plans to impose a ban on lobbying, it became known earlier on January 28. Along with the decree the President of the United States also approved a document that directs the Pentagon for 30 days to develop a plan to destroy the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). In addition, he was ordered to reorganize the national security Council at the White house.

