The film Konchalovsky’s “Paradise” was included in the shortlist for the award “Oscar”

The film Konchalovsky’s “Paradise” was included in the shortlist for the award “Oscar”

The film by Russian Director Andrei Konchalovsky’s “Paradise” was included in the shortlist for the award “Oscar” in the category “Best foreign language film”. On Thursday, December 15, reports The Hollywood Reporter.

The film by Russian Director will compete for the award of the American Academy of paintings from Australia, Germany, Denmark, Iran, Canada, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. Initially for the award “Oscar” in this nomination was put forward 85 tapes.

Film7.2Рай2016 / Russia, Germany / 2 hours 12 min. dramastically

Nominees will be announced on 24 January 2017, and the awards ceremony will take place on February 26.

Earlier Konchalovsky said that he didn’t think “Oscar”, noting that the struggle for the statuette of the American Academy “this is ridiculous”, reports RIA Novosti.

The action of the drama “Paradise” is set during the Second world war. The plot revolves around three characters: a Russian immigrant and member of the French Resistance Olga, a French collaborator Jules and a high-ranking German SS officer Helmut. The main roles are played by Konchalovsky’s wife Yulia Vysotskaya, actors Victor Sukhorukov, Christian Klauss, Philip dyken, Peter Kurt and others.

For this film Konchalovsky received the “Silver lion” at the 73-m the Venetian film festival. In the Russian hire “Paradise” out January 19, 2017.

Last year on “Oscar” sent by the film “sunstroke” brother of Director Nikita Mikhalkov. Konchalovsky himself was nominated for the award in 2002 with the film “House of fools”.

