The media learned about the three possible causes of the fall of the su-33 with “Admiral Kuznetsov”

The media learned about the three possible causes of the fall of the su-33 with “Admiral Kuznetsov”

The reasons for the crash of the Russian fighter jet landing on aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” could be pilot error, manufacturing defects or the incorrect insertion of the cable. About this newspaper “Kommersant”, citing a source close to the investigation.


According to him, one of the reasons for the fall of the su-33 could could be pilot error. Coming in to land at high speed and at an angle, the pilot could “break the alignment”, he suggested. In this regard, the plane was able to hook the cable hook-hook in the wrong place and thereby create an excessive burden, he explained.

The interlocutor of the Agency noted that the pilot after breakage of the cable are instructed to turn on the afterburners and urgently to take off. In his opinion, possibly, the pilot did not, because the fighter wasn’t room to maneuver.

Videoof the Russian su-33 crashed while landing on the aircraft carrier “Admiral Kuznetsov”

The second version, according to the source “Kommersant”, can be associated with production defects. He suggested that the arresting gear cables, which were referred to the “Admiral Kuznetsov”, was of poor quality.

The third possible reason of falling of a fighter could be a wrong fitting of the cable, which was replaced after the incident on the “Admiral Kuznetsov”, which occurred 13 November, the ship MiG-29K.

That second fighter from the cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” was wrecked in Syria became known yesterday, December 5. As stated in the defense Ministry, during the landing of heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser “Admiral Kuznetsov” su-33 fighter skidded off the deck. The pilot had ejected. The Department explained that the plane did not have time to slow down because of the “open wire arrestor”.

