Saratov oblast changed time zone

Saratov oblast changed time zone

The Chairman of the public chamber of the Saratov region Alexander Lando stated that Saratov oblast has moved to a new time zone (GMT+1) on Sunday at 02:00 hours, reports TASS.

“The decision on whether, in the Saratov region to translate arrows on an hour forward was not taken immediately. It was preceded by a long discussion, there were a lot of opinions. However, about 70% of the residents voted for the measure. And today, the region moved to a new time zone +1 hour Moscow time,” — said Lando.

According to representatives of the public chamber of the region, such a decision will help to extend daylight hours and will have a positive impact on the wellbeing and health of residents.

In June it was reported that the Novosibirsk oblast changed time zone.

