Four-metre Python ate three reindeer in Florida

Four-metre Python ate three reindeer in Florida

In the United States caught the Python with a length of over four metres, in the belly of which contained the remains of three deer. This publication reports the Seeker with a link to the publication in a scientific journal BioInvasions Records.

The giant reptile, the length of which amounted to 457 inches, found in the Everglades, the natural complex, which occupies the southern portion of Florida. The national Park staff have caught and sedated the animal.

Inside Python found semidigested remains of an adult white-tailed DOE that weighed about 45 pounds, and two fawns, the weight of which is estimated at 17 and 13 pounds.

Scientists speculate that the snake was caught, strangled and swallowed them one by one for about three months. Most likely, she was waiting for them at the waterhole, hiding in the water.

Ravenous 14-Foot #Python Caught with 3 #Deer in Its Gut

— Live Science (@LiveScience) 2 Dec 2016

“If Python is able to eat three deer in three months, what on earth are they eating that we don’t know”, — commented on the discovery of one of the study’s authors, biologist Scott Bobek (Scott Boback) from Dickinson College in Pennsylvania.

A typical representative of the dark tiger Python grows to 3.7 metres. The length of a record instance is made up of 5.74 meters.

Tiger pythons accidentally came to Florida from Southeast Asia about 30 years ago and bred. According to Bobaka, professionals are still unknown, the size of their population. After visiting the Everglades pythons the number of people living there raccoons, possums, rabbits and bobcats began to fall.

In October it was reported that the international Golf tournament CIMB Classic held in Malaysia, was interrupted by the appearance on the two-meter Python. Competitions continued after the experts have caught and killed the reptile.

