The Japanese foreign Ministry announced the visit of Putin in mid-December

Shinzo Abe and Vladimir Putin The Japanese foreign Ministry announced the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Japan. As stated in the document, the Russian leader will visit the country on 15 and 16 December this year. Talks with the head of the Japanese Cabinet Shinzo Abe will be held in Tokyo and in the city of Nagato (Yamaguchi Prefecture). “President Putin’s visit will contribute to further promotion of relations between Japan and Russia,” said a Japanese foreign Ministry. On December 6 the Governor of the southwestern Japanese Prefecture of Yamaguchi Prefecture Muraoka Tsugumi admitted that he wants to invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to visit the hot spring to treat his seafood and sake. “This is a very joyous event, we perceive it as a great honor — said Muraoka. Is the native place of Prime

US coalition attacked the hospital in Mosul

Mosul The U.S.-led coalition bombed a hospital in Mosul, which was used by militants of the “Islamic state”. This was reported at the command of the operation “Unwavering commitment”. On Tuesday, December 6, Iraqi security forces attempted to occupy the hospital complex of al-Salem in the East of Mosul where the militants of the IG. The terrorists used the hospital as their base and headquarters. After the Iraqis took the area, they managed to repel several counterattacks, and strengthen their positions. The next day, December 7, Iraqi units during the battle with the terrorists and bombarded their positions from heavy machine guns and grenade launchers, requested coalition air support. The aircraft struck a surgical strike on a place of a congestion of fighters. “The coalition respects the rules of conduct of armed conflicts and shall take all possible precaution in the planning and implementation of air strikes to reduce the

The Prosecutor asked for Ratko Mladic’s life in prison

Ratko Mladic The Prosecutor’s office of the Hague Tribunal demanded to one of the leaders of the Bosnian Serbs Ratko Mladic’s life in prison. About this soobschaetreuters. “If Mladic is not handed down the most severe possible sentences — life imprisonment — it will be an insult to the memory of victims and survivors and a mockery of the very idea of justice,” said Prosecutor Alan tiger. The former commander of the Republika Srpska army, 74-year-old Ratko Mladic is accused of war crimes and of involvement in the genocide of the Muslim population of Bosnia. In particular, he is charged with the murder of nearly eight thousand inhabitants of Srebrenica and siege of Sarajevo, which killed about ten thousand people. Guilt Mladic denies. His colleague, the leader of Republika Srpska, Radovan Karadzic, was sentenced in March 2016 to 40 years in prison.

USA took two months to liberate Mosul from is militants

Steven Townsend The operation to liberate the Iraqi city of Mosul from the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) will continue for another two months. This was stated by the commander of U.S. troops in Iraq, Lieutenant General Stephen Townsend, according to Reuters. The General said, the situation in Mosul remains difficult, as hostilities have to be conducted in a big city with a complicated layout of the streets. While Townsend added that, despite the military defeat of ISIS will continue to pose a greater threat to Iraq and Western countries. Mosul more than two years is under the control of militants. Ground military operation to liberate the city began on 17 October this year. It involved units of the regular Iraqi army, the Kurdish militia and formation of volunteers. The international coalition led by the USA, which supported the offensive from the air

The leading countries of the West threatened new sanctions supporters of Assad

Bashar Al-Assad The leaders of USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy and Canada expressed its willingness to impose sanctions against allies of President Bashar al-Assad. This is stated in the message, available on the White house website. “We are ready to consider additional restrictive measures against natural and legal persons who act for or on behalf of the Syrian regime,” — the document says. The document also contains accusations against Russia in blocking the work of the security Council (SC) of the UN. “The refusal of the regime [of Bashar Assad] to take part in a serious political process also underlined the reluctance of Russia and Iran to forge a political solution, despite their assurances to the contrary,” he said in a statement. On 5 December, Russia and China vetoed in the UN security Council on the draft resolution calling for a truce in the Syrian city of Aleppo. After the

Passenger liner disappeared from radar in Pakistan

Continued: Pakistan crashed airliner In Pakistan on the radar screen disappeared, the plane with passengers on Board. About this newspaper The Dawn on Wednesday, December 7. According to the newspaper, the ship is owned Pakistan International Airlines. He was followed by a domestic flight PK-661 Chitral — Islamabad. The plane flew out of Chitral at 13:30 GMT, had to land in the Pakistani capital in 14:40 GMT. On Board were 47 passengers. The publication quotes eyewitnesses who reported the fall of the liner in the area of Havelian. In place of the alleged CHP deployed army units and helicopters. Chitral is a city in the Northern province of Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, it is not far from the border with Afghanistan.

The Ministry of foreign Affairs reported no Russians among the victims of the earthquake in Indonesia

The Russian foreign Ministry said that Russians among the dead and injured in the earthquake in Indonesia, reports the national news service (NSN) on Wednesday, December 7. She refers to the press attache of the Russian Embassy in Indonesia Nikolay Karapetyan. In conversation with NSN he explained: “According to preliminary information, the victims among Russian citizens is not available.” At the moment there are about 54 dead, most of which occur in the County of Pitija in Aceh, located in the vicinity of the epicenter. More than 70 people were seriously injured. The tremors were recorded at 05:03 local time (01:03 MSK). According to USGS, the earthquake magnitude was 6.5. The epicenter was located on the island of Sumatra, 92 kilometres East of the city of Banda Aceh. The focus lies at a depth of 8.2 kilometers.

The number of victims of earthquake in Indonesia has risen to 54

The consequences of the earthquake in Indonesia The death toll in the earthquake near Sumatra had risen to 54. Reported by the Associated Press. The largest number of victims falls in the County of Pitija in Aceh, located in the vicinity of the epicenter. There are 52 people were killed, two more — in the district of Bireun. More than 70 people were seriously injured. The tremors were recorded at 05:03 local time (01:03 MSK). According to USGS, the earthquake magnitude was 6.5. The epicenter was located on the island of Sumatra, 92 kilometres East of the city of Banda Aceh. The focus lies at a depth of 8.2 kilometers. Some buildings collapsed under the rubble can be people. At the emergency sent rescuers with heavy machinery.

In Indonesia, the earthquake killed 18 people

The area of the incident The earthquake that occurred in Indonesia on the morning of Wednesday, December 7, killing at least 18 people, reports the portal The tremors were recorded at 05:03 local time (01:03 MSK). According to USGS, the earthquake magnitude was 6.5. The epicenter was located on the island of Sumatra, 92 kilometres East of the city of Banda Aceh. The focus lies at a depth of 8.2 kilometers. The first information about the victims came from the County of Pitija in Aceh. According to authorities, the victims of the tremors began at least 18 people, rescue efforts continue. Some buildings collapsed under the rubble can be people. At the emergency sent rescuers with heavy machinery.

Obama called the mistakes of the United States in Iraq, the rise of the “Islamic state”

Barack Obama The mistakes the United States during the military operation in Iraq, became one of the reasons for the emergence of the international terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, former IGIL, is prohibited in Russia). On Tuesday, December 6, said the American leader Barack Obama on the American air force in Florida. Video of his speech posted on the White house website. “We refused to repeat some of the mistakes of the 2003 invasion, which initially contributed to the growth of the organization, which became known as ISIL,” Obama said. In 2014, he recalled, the United States created the coalition, which includes about 70 countries, and began to fight with terrorists in Syria and Iraq, but not American forces battalions, and local groups that Washington supported with equipment and special forces. The American leader stressed that the coalition has inflicted on the terrorists more than 16 thousand air strikes, and