The media learned about the victims in the explosion in Istanbul

The explosion in Istanbul has killed at least 15 people, reports television channel Al Jazeera Turk. Reuters, in turn, informs citing a source in law enforcement bodies of 13 dead. Official confirmation of this yet. Hospitalized in a nearby medical facility, according to the channel NTV, 38. Earlier it was reported about 20 wounded. As stated by the Minister Suleyman Soylu, obviously, two explosions occurred, one of which carried out the suicide bomber, the second, more powerful, has occurred as a result of blasting of the mined car. About the incident informed the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Prime Minister Binali Yildirim. The explosion occurred at 22.30 GMT in the Besiktas district in the city centre, near the stadium Vodafone Arena, two hours after the end of the match between the football teams “Besiktas” and “Bursaspor”. According to preliminary data, injured many soldiers of the Turkish special forces

In the Syrian army told about the battles for Palmyra

Palmyra Syrian government forces and militia fighters are engaged in fierce fighting with militants grouping “Islamic state” near Palmyra simultaneously on several fronts. On Saturday, December 10, reported RIA Novosti the Syrian military source. According to him, fierce fighting with ISIS are in the areas of Gazal and Shaer, the extremely intense situation remains on a mountain ridge At-tar. “Army units regrouped and left several heights of this mountain range”, — he said. In turn, a source in the Syrian people’s militia said that the fighting outside the borders of Palmyra. “Historic Palmyra is still under the control of the army. Today and yesterday we have together repulsed a number of powerful attacks on the city. The terrorists are trying to storm it from several directions”, — he said. Earlier it was reported that as a result of coordinated attacks by extremists managed to capture a few settlements: Qasr al

Kerry asked Russia for mercy for the armed opposition in Aleppo

John Kerry U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry has urged Moscow and Damascus “to show mercy” in relation to representatives of the armed opposition in the Syrian city of Aleppo. The corresponding statement he made on Saturday, December 10, at the last meeting in Paris of the group of friends of Syria, reports TASS. “We think Russia and [President Bashar] Assad now have preferred to show a little mercy (…) If they really want to start the peace process and to stop this war, they must provide assurances that the people of Aleppo will not go to slaughter” — said the American diplomat. In his opinion, it would be “simple and direct step” on the part of Russia and Syria, “but that’s difficult.” In addition, Kerry called on the Syrian armed opposition in Aleppo to take a first step towards peace and promised to convey the foreign Minister of Russia

The Iraqi army responded to reports of erroneous strike US forces in Mosul

The Iraqi army did not confirm reports incorrect impact of U.S. forces on its positions in Mosul, where fighting is going on terrorists. This is stated in the Declaration of war at the disposal of RIA Novosti. “There is no indication that the coalition had made any mistake in operation in the province of Nineveh (Mosul and its administrative center — approx. “Of the”), “—said in a communique. Also, the Iraqi military called on journalists to use accurate information. The report also indicated that the coalition had “greater support operations” and continues to contribute. Earlier, unofficial information emerged that a total of 90 Iraqi soldiers were killed in Mosul in the result caused by mistake of hitting the United States air force. Allegedly another 100 were injured. A ground operation to liberate Mosul, which in 2014 captured the terrorist group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia), ongoing from 17 October

The newspaper learned about the plans of Russia and Japan to ease visa regime

Vladimir Putin The authorities of Russia and Japan can declare about simplifying the visa regime between the countries 15-16 December, during the visit of the Russian leader Vladimir Putin. On Saturday, December 10, the newspaper the Asahi, citing its own sources in diplomatic circles. According to the publication, it is about mitigating the regime of granting visas, involving multiple entry and prominent for a long time. To date, such permission is granted for a maximum of three years. However, after the cuts, the expiration date may be increased to five years. Later than 10 December, the Japanese foreign Ministry confirmed the information about plans to announce the easing of the visa regime, RIA Novosti reported. The press Secretary of the Ministry, Yasuhisa Kawamura stressed that the decision does not apply only to individual regions, and “will act for the country as a whole.” Tokyo suspended talks with Moscow on this

Hundreds of migrants broke through a fence in the Spanish enclave in Africa

Over the fence separating Morocco from the enclave broke through the crowd of refugees from African countries located South of the Sahara. About it reports Reuters. The incident occurred on Friday, December 9. Hundreds of migrants stormed a barbed-wire fence. Several people received injuries. The migrants were taken to a detention center where they will expect a decision on the legal status in Spain, authorities said. Migration crisis erupted in Europe in 2015. Once in March 2016 was covered by the so-called “Balkan route”, in which refugees from the Middle East made their way to the EU via the territory of Macedonia and Serbia, the main flow of migrants moved through Italy. Settled in Serbia, migrants are also looking at ways in Western Europe.

WP found out about the CIA conclusion about Russia has given assistance to Trump the election

Donald Tramploline: Team trump has rejected speculation about aid from Russia in the elections The CIA concluded that Russia in 2016 interfered in the elections of the President of the United States to help defeat the Republican Donald Trump. This writes The Washington Post, citing informed officials. Intelligence agencies have identified a number of persons, allegedly with ties to the Russian leadership, who provided the website WikiLeaks of thousands of stolen emails of the National Committee of the Democratic party (NDCP) and the headquarters of its candidate Hillary Clinton. Allegedly, these individuals are known to the intelligence community as figures who worked within the framework of large-scale Russian operation aimed at causing damage Clinton and the rise of trump. “According to the intelligence community that Russia’s goal were specifically to act in favor of one of candidates to help elect Trump,” said a senior U.S. official, recounting information that informed

United States air force eliminated the participated in the attack on Charlie Hebdo the leader of the IG

Us air force (USAF) eliminated in Syria, one of the leaders of the international terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) Boubaker al-Hakim, who participated in the attack on the magazine Charlie Hebdo in January 2015. On Friday, December 9, reports Reuters referring to the representative of the Pentagon. According to him, the extremist was eliminated at the end of November in raqqa in airstrike. It is assumed that 33-year-old al-Hakim, a Frenchman with Tunisian roots was the coach of the brothers Koichi who committed the attack on the editor of the satirical weekly. Boubaker al-Hakim fought against the Americans when they invaded Iraq in 2003, reports TASS. He also recruited Muslims in Paris to fight in the Republic. In 2008, he was arrested in Syria, and in may of the same year, a court in France said him to seven years imprisonment. Freedom of al-Hakim came out

Italian students spoke about love for the works of Hitler

Students from several Italian secondary schools told the researchers about the love for the book “Mein Kampf” (My struggle), written by the Fuhrer of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler. On Friday, December 9, reports The Local. According to the publication, the Ministry of education decided to explore favourite books schoolchildren and conducted a survey. In 10 educational institutions in Hitler’s book entered the list of the most popular pieces. In the list of schools attended by young fans of the Fuhrer, educational institutions from different regions of the country. The Ministry said that the results of the vote will not be taken into consideration because the students were asked to name a few favorite works in the entire history of mankind, and written by Italian authors after the year 2000. Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf” in 1924, serving a sentence in a Bavarian prison for organizing the “beer hall putsch” of 1923.

The Germans believed the migrants main issue

The people of Germany think of migrants and refugees the main problem of the country. This is with reference to the results of a public opinion poll reported by Reuters. According to a survey conducted by Forschungsgruppe Wahlen on order broadcaster ZDF, this opinion is shared by 58 percent of Germans. 60 percent of respondents dissatisfied with the fact that refugees are allocated money that could be spent to better advantage, 52 percent fear that migration will worsen the crime situation in the country. While less than a third of Germans believed the refugees a threat to German cultural and social values. The policy of Angela Merkel towards migrants approved exactly half of the respondents negatively assessed it 45 percent. In total the survey was attended by 1234 people, it has been held throughout Germany from 6th to 8th December. The Agency notes that in German society there is a