Trump announced the candidacy of the future Secretary of state

Rex Tillerson The US President-elect Donald trump has appointed the head of ExxonMobil Rex Tillerson as its new Secretary. About it reports Reuters with reference to the policy statement. “He is a man, powerfully and clearly defending American interests, and he will be able to correct the mistakes of those years, when foreign policy was going the wrong way and only weakened the security of America and its role in the international arena”, — said the future President of the United States. Team member trump explained that a Republican has listened to the recommendations of former secretaries of state James Baker and Condoleezza rice, and former head of the Pentagon Robert gates. In ExxonMobil Tillerson came immediately after graduation and went through the whole career ladder from simple engineer to head of the Corporation. It is known for active work with the Russian company “Rosneft” according to some, direct negotiations

Putin acknowledged the greatness of the United States and the American people

Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the US is a great country and the American people — the great. He said this in an interview with Japanese media, the transcript of which is published on the Kremlin website. At the same time the head of state criticized the thesis of President Barack Obama about the exclusivity of the American nation. “(…) To talk about exclusivity, I think it’s absolutely redundant, and this creates certain problems in the relationship, not only with Russia, I think,” said the Russian leader. Commenting on the possibility of meeting with the newly elected President of the United States Donald trump, Putin said he was ready for her at any moment. However, according to him, it is better to wait for the inauguration of the new head of the American state. “(…) I think that this is a difficult stage of formation of the

The UN Secretary General expressed concern over reports of “atrocities in Aleppo”

Ban Ki-Moon UN Secretary-General ban Ki-moon expressed concern over unverified reports of atrocities against residents of the Syrian city of Aleppo, in particular, women and children. On Monday, December 12, reported on the website of the United Nations. “Ban Ki-moon instructed the UN special envoy for Syria (Staffan De Mistura — approx. “Of the”) to discuss the situation with involved in the conflict parties” , — said in a statement. The organization recalled the obligation of parties to protect civilians and to respect international law and human rights. It does not specify what kind of atrocities going on. Monday, December 12, it became known that government forces in Syria and allied forces were left to clean up terrorists from three small district of Aleppo. The military has begun to examine underground utilities in the Eastern part of the city. According to the source “”, hiding there refused to surrender

The media learned about renting a Obama office in the building of the WWF in Washington

Barack Obama President Barack Obama signed a lease agreement for office space in the headquarters of the world wildlife Fund (WWF) in Washington. On Monday, December 12, reports The Washington Post. Officially this information has not been confirmed. Obama’s spokesman Amy Brander only said that “after the head of state leaves office, he will have an office in Washington, D.C.” What a politician will do after the presidential term is not specified. According to the newspaper, the WWF building is located in the West End, the organization rents office space for rent. The room is located about a mile (1.6 kilometers) from home in which to live Obama and his family. Occupation Obama after the resignation is still unknown. At the end of October, the Director of the Institute of USA and Canada studies Valery Garbuzov suggested that the politician will build the native libraries. Earlier The New York Times

The Archbishop of Mexico city asked the virgin Mary to soften the heart of the trump

Norberto Rivera The Archbishop of Mexico city Norberto Rivera asked the virgin Mary of Guadalupe, who is revered as the heavenly patroness of Mexico, to soften the attitude of the elected President of the USA of Donald trump to the Mexican immigrants, reports Radio Formula. The cardinal asked the virgin Mary to “touch the hardened heart” of trump, so he can see the Mexican brothers and had to forgive him. According to Rivera, Mexicans tend to the USA in search of work and a better life, but now they are faced with “uncertain prospects”. Previously the foreign Ministry of Mexico has promised to help the country’s citizens who emigrated to the US and risking to encounter problems after winning trump. A Republican needs to take office on January 20. Prior to that, he has repeatedly stated that it plans to deport roughly 11 million people living illegally in the United

USA admitted the fact of participation of militants from Mosul in the storming of Palmyra

John Kirby The US state Department admits the possibility that the militant group “Islamic state” of Iraq’s Mosul took part in the fighting in the Syrian Palmyra. Such statement as transfers RIA Novosti news Agency, made an official representative of the Department John Kirby. “I don’t know, but can’t rule it out. We knew that some of them leave Mosul, but where they went and what they did, we don’t know,” he said. The state Department denies that the United States stopped supporting the attack on the Syrian “capital” of ISIS Raqqa, and that this could contribute to the militant attack on Palmyra. “Allegations that we somehow stopped supporting force “of the Democratic forces in Syria” in an attempt to further isolate Raqqa, wrong,” said Kirby. Available to the Washington information on the situation in the area of Palmyra Kirby said that “cannot confirm the extent to which the” IG

The new Prime Minister of Italy presented his Cabinet

Paolo Gentiloni The new Prime Minister of Italy Paolo Gentiloni on Monday, December 12, announced the composition of his government, reports Reuters. For the post of Minister of foreign Affairs in the previous government occupied himself Gentiloni appointed Angelino Alfano, former head of the interior Ministry. Many of the key members of the Cabinet retained their posts, in particular the Ministers of economy, industry, health and justice. In the coming days, the Parliament must decide on the confidence in the new government. Meanwhile, some parties are unhappy that their proposals for participation in the study were not satisfied said that you can vote against it. Italian President Sergio Mattarella, Sunday, December 11, Gentiloni called to his residence and instructed him to form a government. Earlier, on December 7, he accepted the resignation of Matteo Renzi, who announced the decision to leave the post of Prime Minister due to the fact

The Syrian opposition continues to demand the resignation of Assad even after the fall of Aleppo

Aleppo The Syrian opposition will continue to insist on the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad, despite the fall of Aleppo. About it reports Reuters. “If Assad and his allies think that the military successes in several districts of Aleppo, will force us to make concessions, it is vain, — has declared the representative of the Syrian opposition at the Geneva talks, Riyad Farid Hijab after meeting with French President Francois Hollande. — This will not happen. We’re not going to make any concessions”. Hijab also accused the Syrian military that they “fled from Palmyra, like rats”, and added that the opposition needs a real political process which will help Syria “from a dictatorship to become a democratic state.” To date, Syrian troops took control of more than 95 percent of the territory of the city of Aleppo. 2215 surrendered militants, 2137 of them pardoned. At the moment, under the control

In Turkey, Pro-Kurdish propaganda, arrested 235 people

Suleyman Soylu Ankara announced the arrest of 235 people for the campaign in favor of “workers’ party of Kurdistan” (PKK, banned in Turkey as a terrorist organization), reports Reuters. According to the Minister of internal Affairs Suleyman Soylu, all the detainees have been accused of conducting terrorist propaganda and links with the PKK. It is noted that the arrests were made in 11 provinces. The reason for the mass arrests was the explosion that occurred on the evening of 10 December in Besiktas district in Istanbul, near the stadium Vodafone Arena, after the match between the teams “Besiktas” and “Bursaspor”. The aim of the terrorists was the bus with the police. According to the latest reports, 44 people were killed, 155 wounded. Responsibility for the attack claimed by the group “Falcons of freedom of Kurdistan” (SSK). Previously SSK was a division of the PKK, however, then considered policy of the

The militants began their advance West of Palmyra

The militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), capturing the Syrian city of Palmyra, continued movement to the West. About it reports the edition “al-Masdar”. Army units have been strengthened to the West of the city. The safety of the defensive perimeter provides “Calamansi shield”: the tribal units of government troops, awaiting reinforcements from the regular units. Government forces are examining the possibility of a counterattack, but a thousand soldiers had about five thousand militants. According to the publication, the command has two options: apply a lightning counterattack, not allowing the enemy to gain a foothold in the conquered city and undermine the outskirts, or to start a gradual takeover of the surrounding Palmyra heights, allowing Russian pilots and Syrian artillery strikes on militants inside the village. However, any successful counter-attack, according to “al-Masdar”, will require the transfer of the most capable units of the