Trump has appointed Elon musk as an Advisor in the economy

Elon Musk Donald trump said that the founder of SpaceX Elon Musk will be among his advisers on Economics. This was reported on the site of the headquarters of the elected President. Musk will join the Presidential forum on strategy and policy group of the 16 most successful and respected entrepreneurs to advise trump on issues related to economic growth, creating new jobs and increasing productivity. Together with the Mask by the members of the Forum will be also co-founder of Uber Travis Kalanick and Chairman of the Board of Directors of PepsiCo Indra Nooyi. Earlier it was announced that it will be headed by Stephen Schwarzman, head of investment company Blackstone Group. The forum is created in order to do away with excessive bureaucracy: its members will be able to communicate directly with trump. During the election campaign trump Elon Musk has criticized the Republican nominee. In particular, four

Finland wanted to host Putin and trump

Alexi Harkonen Finland has offered to host on its territory a meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the elected President of the USA of Donald trump. About it reports “Interfax” on Wednesday, December 14. According to the representative of the Finnish foreign Ministry, Alexis Harkonen, the two leaders could meet in 2017 in the framework of the Arctic Council, “if we allow international situation.” In may of next year Finland will be the Chairman of this organization. Originally Helsinki was supposed to host a meeting of the Arctic Council in 2019 at the level of foreign Ministers. According to Harkonen, Finnish authorities are planning to hold it earlier, raising the status to the level of heads of state and government. The Arctic Council consists of eight countries: Finland, Russia, USA, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. A further 12 States holding observer status.

Russia expressed readiness for military cooperation with EU

Vladimir Chizhov Moscow is open to intense mutual dialogue with the EU on key foreign policy issues, but also ready for military cooperation. This told Russia’s permanent representative to the EU Vladimir Chizhov in an interview with the newspaper Die Welt published on Wednesday, December 14. “It is quite possible to imagine that the Russian army could take part in the operations of the European Union as well as do a third of the country,” said a senior diplomat. According to him, Moscow and Brussels are already closely cooperating in missions against pirates in Somalia and in operations in Chad and the Balkans. Chizhov noted that the main goal of such interaction is to ensure stable and constructive cooperation in crisis situations. “Such operations must be alternately under European and Russian command, while remaining under the auspices of the UN,” — said the diplomat. He also added that the EU

At the EU summit will discuss the extension of anti-Russian sanctions

At the EU summit, which will be held on Thursday, December 15, to discuss the issue of extending sanctions against Russia. It is reported TASS citing a senior source in Brussels. “I think the EU will receive a recommendation from the Chancellor [Angela] Merkel and the French President [Francois] Hollande that the economic sanctions imposed because of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine should be extended,” he explained. On 13 December the leaders of Germany and France stated the necessity of prolongation of action of restrictive measures against Moscow. “Sanctions against Russia will be necessary to extend again, although we would like to see more serious progress in the implementation of the Minsk agreements”, — said Merkel. Hollande, in turn, supported the proposal. Restrictive measures against certain sectors of the Russian economy, Russia has until January 31, 2017. Russian retaliatory counter-sanctions extended until 31 December of the following year. A number of

U.S. police shot and killed a doddering old man with a crucifix in his hands

Police in California shot and killed a 73-year-old Francisco Chamois, suffering from senile dementia. About it reports Los Angeles Times. According to the publication, in rescue service received a call from a neighbor of the elderly man. She claimed to have seen him walking down the street with a gun in his hand. Arrived at the patrol opened fire on the horn and shot him. At survey of a body and the search in the house of weapons were found. According to the preliminary version, object, mistakenly taken for a gun was a wooden crucifix, which the victim was clutching in his hands. “My father had no weapon. He was a harmless pensioner”, — said the son of the victim. On June 24 of this year in the suburbs of Baltimore police shot and killed an unarmed African-American Spencer Lee McCain. A patrol arrived at his house after a call

Japan allowed the deployment of us military bases in the Kuril Islands

Kuril Islands The Japanese government accepts deployment of us military bases on two of the Kuril Islands in the event of a transfer of Tokyo. It is reported by the newspaper Asahi. During a visit to Moscow on November 9 this year, the General Secretary of the national security Council of Japan, Shotaro Yachi held talks with Secretary of security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev. Answering the question about the possibility of American military bases in the Kuril Islands, the Japanese official said: “Yes, such possibility exists”. “These words Yati was quite natural, since the establishment of Japanese sovereignty over the Islands, they automatically fall under the agreement on security guarantees between the U.S. and Japan”, — quotes the edition its source in the government. At the same time, in an interview with the same newspaper, the former head of the Japanese government Yoshiro Mori had completely excluded the possibility

British MP suspected Russia of meddling in a referendum on Brexit

Ben Bradshaw Russia “highly likely” that intervened in the referendum on the UK exit from the EU, said the Deputy of the house of Commons from the labour party’s Ben Bradshaw. This writes the newspaper The Indenendent. In his opinion, the possible intervention of Moscow in the process of the people’s will could be carried out in the same pattern as in other countries. He refers to suspicion of the CIA about the fact that the Russian hackers could affect the outcome of the presidential election in the United States. “It is their interference, is proved, not only in the American presidential campaign, but probably in our referendum last year. We have no evidence of this. But I think that’s very likely,” he said. Bradshaw said the unpreparedness of Britain to attacks of this kind. “I don’t think, when it comes to cyber war, that we even began to Wake

The authorities in Aleppo have reported a complete cessation of fire

Aleppo In Syria’s Aleppo from Tuesday evening, 13 December, observed a full ceasefire. About it RIA Novosti said the representative of the press service of the Governor of Aleppo Ammar Etsu. “The city observed complete silence from the evening. Information about the shootings was not reported. Might have been single shots in celebration as the day before,” — said the Agency interlocutor. The Agency correspondent reported from the scene that the part of the Eastern neighborhoods, where, according to various estimates, you can stay the militants was heard gunfire. In turn, a source in the headquarters operations announced that the remaining terrorists and their families, according to the agreement, out of Aleppo through the gate Ramose to the West, the buses have been prepared. According to him, the withdrawal of the militants and their families should be held in the near future. “No fighting. Now arranging details,” he said. Earlier,

Churkin spoke about the export of fighters from Aleppo by bus

Vitaly Churkin Special representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Churkin said that remaining in Eastern Aleppo militants in the coming hours will be asked to leave the city by bus. His words RIA Novosti reported on Tuesday, December 13. “According to my latest information, indeed, an agreement was reached that the militants will leave the city, so it’s almost the end” — said Churkin before the emergency meeting of the UN Security Council. Agency sources in Ankara said that everyone, both armed and civilians, will take out the opposition-controlled city of Idlib. Representatives of the group “Ahrar al-sham” have confirmed this information, but said that to get people to be in the Western and Northern part of the province of Aleppo. UN Secretary-General ban Ki-moon, in turn, urged Moscow and Damascus to let everyone civilians to leave the city. “In the last days and hours we see the best

The Consulate General of Russia in Istanbul were taken under heavy guard because of the protests

The Consulate General of Russia in Istanbul Near the Russian Consulate-General in Istanbul, Turkey strengthened security measures. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the statements of diplomats. According to the press attache of the Russian Embassy in Ankara, Irina Kasimova, Consulate General guard because of the “anti-Russian actions”. — إعلام قوى الثورة (@RFS_mediaoffice) December 13, 2016, 11:00 Twitter “media center revolutionary forces of Syria” posted photos with such actions — the participants expressed disagreement with the participation of Russia in operations of the Syrian government forces for the liberation by the rebels of Aleppo. On the evening of 12 December it was reported that government forces in Syria and allied forces were left to clean up from the opposition three small quarter of Aleppo. “When the fighting there is over, we can safely say that the city is completely under the control of the Syrian army,” — said