North Korea has rejected the demand for NATO to abandon missile and nuclear programs

Kim Jong-UN North Korea rejected the statement of NATO, which has demanded Pyongyang to abandon its missile and nuclear programs. This is stated in the statement of the KCNA, quotes of which leads TASS. North Korea has caused confusion is the fact that NATO, “the official whose function is to ensure security in the North Atlantic region, poking his nose into the Affairs of the Korean Peninsula”. As noted in Pyongyang, proposing such a requirement, “NATO proved that this military-political bloc has become a puppet of the United States”. In addition, in the opinion of management of the DPRK, “it plays into the hands of the South Korean regime of Park Geun-Hye, who is living its last days.” The statement highlights the “complete incompetence” of NATO strategists in the Affairs of the Korean Peninsula. “This organization is now playing the role of a tool that undermines international peace and security,”

Become aware of the findings of the UN report on the attack on a humanitarian convoy in Aleppo

The UN Commission was unable to determine who attacked a humanitarian convoy near Aleppo on 19 September. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the findings of the report submitted to the leadership of the world organization. According to excerpts from the document, the experts found that “although the cause of the incident was air attack, it is impossible to identify the artist or artists”. The experts also reported that they did not have evidence to conclude that the incident was a deliberate attack on a humanitarian object. Earlier, on December 17, it was reported that the Commission completed the investigation into the attack on the convoy and gave a confidential report with the findings on the study of the UN Secretary-General ban Ki-moon. At the end of September, ban Ki-moon ordered the creation of a special Commission to investigate the incident. In October, the official representative has informed

The suspect in the Berlin attack was under surveillance by intelligence services

Anis Amri The suspect in the terrorist attack in Berlin Anis Amri few months he was under observation of intelligence services of Germany. On Wednesday, December 21, reports Spiegel Online. Amri was born in Tunisia in 1992, in Germany, he arrived in July 2015. Some time later, he came into the view of law enforcement. The first record of him, according to the publication, appeared in February of this year. Intelligence services suspected him of having links with an international terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). Against 24-year-old men were encouraged to establish “intensive control”. In the spring of Amri was in the files as the “instigator” in respect of this category of persons necessary to carry out regular inspections. All under the control of the Ministry of internal Affairs are 549 people. Mainly Tunisian, lived in Berlin, but the last time he went to the territory

Kirby tells of the continuity of relations with Moscow

John Kirby Press Secretary of U.S. state Department John Kirby said that the relations between Washington and Moscow will not be interrupted, Russia and the United States continue the dialogue. It is reported TASS with reference to the written statement, Kirby received by the Agency’s representative office in Washington. Commenting on the press Secretary of President Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Peskov that the dialogue between the two countries is essentially frozen, Kirby writes: “it is Difficult to understand exactly what the meaning of this comment, but diplomatic interaction with Russia continues on a wide range of issues.” However, he clarifies that there are disagreements on some of these issues and this fact never disappeared. “However, a break in the dialogue — says Kirby. In fact, Secretary Kerry, as we said, only on Tuesday talked by phone with foreign Minister Lavrov about the situation in Syria.” Previously, it clarifies the Agency, Peskov

French authorities stepped up security measures in the country after the terrorist attack in Berlin

The French authorities decided to strengthen security at external borders and within the country after the terrorist attack in Berlin. It is reported by RTL. By order of the Minister of internal Affairs, Bruno Le Roux enhanced control on the borders with Germany, Luxembourg and Switzerland. We are talking about a more careful control on the roads linking France with these countries. According to the instructions of the head of the Ministry of interior, increased safety measures were introduced in the major cities of the country and in the capital. The Central streets of Paris will patrulirovanie special forces soldiers, who will be able to intervene immediately in case of emergency situations. Additional forces available for dopolnitelnym checks on the Eastern station, where the trains arrive in international traffic. The main Christmas market on the Champs-Elysees is surrounded by concrete blocks. The head of the Prefecture of police of Paris

USA announced the return of the Japanese part of the land on Okinawa

The armed forces of the United States expressed readiness to return to Japan part of the territories North of the island of Okinawa. On Wednesday, December 21, according to Kyodo. This area of four thousand acres located U.S. military installations. The official handover ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, December 22. It is the largest plot of land transferred by U.S. authorities to the Japanese after the return of Okinawa under Japanese control in 1972. According to the Agency, in return in the same area build six helipads, which presumably will be used for takeoffs and landings of the American Osprey convertiplane. Governor of Okinawa Takeshi Onaga, seeking the withdrawal of these aircraft outside the Prefecture, will participate in the ceremony. “Reducing the area of the exercises in Okinawa does not undermine our commitment and ability to interact with the government of Japan”, — quotes RIA Novosti the words of the

Ban Ki-moon has admitted his part in the presidential elections in South Korea

Ban Ki-Moon UN Secretary-General ban Ki-moon admitted that could come back to Korean politics. About it reports “Yonhap”. “If what I learned, saw and felt during my 10 years of service as Secretary General of the UN could contribute to the development of the Republic of Korea, I am ready to fully commit to it”, — he said. According to ban Ki-moon, the final decision about participation in the presidential election he will take after meeting with residents representing different sectors of society, and listen to their opinion. On 9 December, the Parliament of South Korea voted to impeach President Park Geun-Hye and the suspension of its powers. The reason for the political crisis in the country has become a corruption scandal involving a close friend of the head of state Choi sung-SIL. She is accused of pressure on the largest commercial companies with the purpose of transfer of their

Media reported about the failure of trump to include Russia in the list of major threats

Donald Trump The administration elected President of the United States Donald trump is not included in the list of major threats to the national security of the United States. It is reported by Foreign Policy (FP) with reference to the document, which appeared in a publication. In the list, listing the defense priorities of the new administration, the fight against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), development of new cybersecurity strategies, as well as reducing the budget deficit. In addition, the document mentions briefings with representatives of the Pentagon on China and North Korea. Analytical note, as noted by FP, was prepared in accordance with the rating policy priority of the future authority in the field of security. The list of threats according to their priority has been given to the Pentagon by one of the representatives of the transition team trump. A source in the

The Turkish foreign Minister told Kerry about wine Gulen in the murder of the Russian Ambassador

John Kerry and Cavusoglu Foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu blamed for the murder of the Ambassador of Russia Andrei Karlov on the opposition of the followers of the Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen. He stated this in a telephone conversation with U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry, reports Reuters, citing a diplomatic source in Ankara. Kerry, in turn, in conversation with Cavusoglu, Turkey offered assistance in the investigation of the murder of the Russian Ambassador, said the U.S. state Department. Before this he addressed a similar initiative to the Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Initially responsible for the murder of Charles Gulen and his organization, FETO, which Ankara considers a terrorist and accused of attempting to organize a coup, had placed anonymous source in Ankara. The headquarters of the opposition preacher living in the United States said that he condemned the murder of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov in Turkey, and

The IG has claimed responsibility for the attack in Berlin

Terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in the Russian Federation) have claimed responsibility for the attack in Berlin on 19 December. On Tuesday, December 20, reports Reuters with reference to the news Agency militants Amaq. “Contractor operations in Berlin is a soldier of ISIS, he performed the operation in response to the call to attack citizens of countries [international] coalition,” — said the Agency of terrorists. Earlier, on 20 December there was information that the suspect in the case were released for lack of evidence. The witnesses were unable to identify the truck driver who committed the collision, so to prove that the suspect was in the time of the attack in the cabin of the vehicle, failed. Before Tuesday it was reported that the main suspect in the terrorist attack in Berlin 23-year-old native of Pakistan Click B. however, German media, citing security sources, announced that he was