Media reported about the Danish authorities pay benefits to tens of is militants

The authorities of Denmark paid unemployment benefits dozens of nationals who went to Syria to fight on the side of the militants of the terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). On Tuesday, 27 December, reports The Independent. Payments received at least 34 people. The government said that they are going to demand that 29 of them to return the money in the amount of 672 thousand Danish kroner (94,5 thousand dollars). Reasons why five more people will be obliged to return the paid funds, authorities said. According to the publication, this is not the first such case. In may of 2015 were revealed 32 subjects of the Kingdom, joined the extremists and who continued to receive unemployment benefits.

A Saudi was sentenced to prison for incitement to abolish the male guardianship over women

The court in the city of Dammam, located in Eastern Saudi Arabia has sentenced a citizen of the Kingdom to a year in prison and a fine of 30 million Saudi riyals (about eight thousand dollars) for the call to cancel the guardianship of men over women. On Tuesday, December 27, reports The National. The man was detained in the El-Ihsan during the distribution of leaflets with this appeal in the mosques. It is noted that he also led an active campaign in social networks. Its position the detainee explained by the desire to help women, including their relatives, complained of unequal status in Saudi society. In September, thousands of citizens of the Kingdom have signed a petition demanding the repeal of the guardianship of men over women in Saudi Arabia. In accordance with the laws of the Kingdom, women must obtain consent from male relatives to travel abroad, to

Moscow felt hostile step of supplying the Syrian opposition American MANPADS

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of Russia considers hostile step a decision on the supply of MANPADS to Syrian opposition fighters. This is stated in the commentary official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, posted on the Ministry’s website. “Instead of joint efforts to give it back the rampant extremists of all stripes, Washington relies on the provision of military assistance to anti-government groups, which differ little from the bloody thugs, — stated in the text. Now the possibility of supply of weapons, including portable anti-aircraft missile systems established in the new law.” Says Zakharova, “in the Obama administration are unable to understand the transferred weapons will quickly be in the hands of the jihadists with whom the alleged “moderate” opposition has long are at the same time. Maybe even hope that it happens, because actually patronizing the terrorist group “Jabhat an-Nusra”, which is a division of “al-Qaeda”.

A crowd of Nigerians mauled a woman-suicide belt

Frame the scene The crowd in the Nigerian city of Maiduguri killed a woman who was unable to operate fixed to the body belt of a suicide bomber. About this newspaper The Daily Mail. The terrorist came to the city market of cattle along with a partner. That was blown up — killing, really, only themselves. Then the visitors drew attention to the second woman. She several times tried to bring explosives into the action, but it didn’t work out. She was knocked to the ground and killed. Police removed the bomb from the body of hapless suicide bombers. None of the terrorist groups has claimed responsibility for the attack, but the authorities believe that the bombers would send the organization the “West African province of the Islamic state”, formerly known as “Boko Haram”. 24 Dec in Nigeria, announced the capture of the last stronghold of the terrorists. “The head

India defeated network of traffickers

Police said the exposure of the criminal group trading children, reports The Independent. In Mumbai arrested five women and a man on suspicion that they were stealing children and later sold them to childless couples. Police believe that this is only one of the cells major criminal network, and now seeks out the other groups included in it and also tries to find out the fate of the children. On the trail of the gang was due to the fact that the boy’s parents, stolen from his home in Mumbai, in time turned to the guards. Those traced the route of the thief and arrested him in the state of Goa and later arrested his accomplices. Those admitted stealing children, and later sold them under the guise of their own. The average price tag was $ 300 thousand rupees (4.4 thousand USD). For 2016, they kidnapped and sold five children.

Trump ruled out the possibility of an Obama victory in the election

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump commented on the statement of the outgoing head of the White house Barack Obama that he could defeat him in the election. His opinion, a Republican, said in Twitter. “President Obama said, in his opinion, he would beat me. He had to say, but I say: never!” — wrote trump. The Republican listed the main, in his opinion, the reasons for the defeat in the presidential election of the democratic candidate Hillary Clinton: reducing the number of jobs, the fight against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), as well as the reform of medical insurance system. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 26 December 2016, 21:36 Dec 26, Barack Obama said that in the case of its participation in presidential elections from the Democrats, he would beat Donald trump. The White house expressed the opinion that the main mistake of

Serbian police stopped the carriage 77 illegal migrants in the EU

Serbia: police arrested three people on suspicion of transportation of illegal migrants through the territory of the country. About it reports Reuters. Two were arrested in the Central part of Serbia: they were trying to drive to the Hungarian border 36 people from Afghanistan and Mali, hiding them in the trunk of the minivan. A few hours later nearby, police intercepted a truck with German numbers, in a container which showed 41 migrant. The driver, a Serb by nationality, was also arrested. Until March 2016, the so-called “Balkan route” of smuggling of migrants to Europe through Greece, Macedonia and Serbia are considered to be core. However, once the EU has signed a deal with Turkey, promising in exchange for the overlap of the transit refugees money and a number of political concessions, and bordering with Serbia the country has erected on the borders of fences, the flow was thought to

In Turkey a week detained more than a thousand suspected supporters of Gulen

Over the past week, Turkish authorities detained 1096 people suspected of links with the organization of the opposition Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen (FETÖ). Of them, 426 people were arrested, reports on Monday, December 26, reports the Hürriyet Daily News, citing the interior Ministry. In a statement, the Ministry also said that in operations against supporters of the banned Turkey Kurdistan workers ‘ party arrested 508 people, of which 78 of them taken into custody. On suspicion of having links with a terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) 78 detained, 12 of them arrested. It is also noted that the security forces of the country spent a week 220 anti-terrorist operations, during which was destroyed four militants. On July 15 this year in Turkey attempted coup, which killed more than 230 people, more than 2.1 thousand were injured. After the suppression of the attempted coup in the country

In the Christmas fights drug traffickers in Mexico killed 13 people

In the two Mexican States on Christmas day as a result of dismantling of drug traffickers killed 13 people. About it reports on Monday, December 26, The Guardian. Police found six men’s heads cut off in the town of Jalisco, Michoacan. Nor can ID them or find their bodies have not yet succeeded. As the newspaper notes, in recent times in this state, continue violent clashes between rival drug cartels. Out of state Guerrero — gunmen stormed a house and shot a married couple and another family of five. Three of those killed were police officers. According to preliminary data, the attackers planned to kill one of the guards, however, eventually shot and killed all those in the house. Guerrero is one of the most dangerous Mexican States — there are frequent disassembly of the local gangs. From January to October this year in the region was made more than

The team trump predicted the cancellation of 70 percent of the Executive orders Obama

Newt Gingrich The US President-elect Donald trump after taking office intends to cancel about 70 per cent of the decrees enacted by the decision of the incumbent Barack Obama. This was stated by a member of the transition team trump, former speaker of the house of representatives newt Gingrich in a Fox News interview. Republican noted that this will require the work of a skilled team of lawyers. Policy of the outgoing President Gingrich described as a “desperate frenzy”, and his legacy compared with an inflatable doll, which, as it goes out of air, it shrinks and shrinks. Separately, he mentioned Obama initiated the reform in the health sector, at the time, which caused sharp criticism of Republicans. According to Gingrich, if he enlisted the support of both major parties in the country, his legacy in this aspect could be longer and more durable. However, as noted, it is unclear