The German Minister has proposed to prohibit the vegetarian schnitzel

Christian Schmidt The Minister of food and agriculture of Germany, Christian Schmidt wants to ban such products, as a vegetarian schnitzel or vegan sausage with a spicy sauce, which does not contain meat. On Wednesday, December 28, reports the German newspaper Bild. “This introduces the buyer”, — said the Minister. Schmidt added that the products should be called schnitzel, sausage or meatballs only if they contain meat ingredients. Products for vegetarians, according to policy, should appear your name. Vegetarianism — a diet of plant and dairy food with the rejection of products which include meat. Vegan is the most strict type of vegetarianism whose adherents completely exclude from their diet animal products. In German cuisine is very much meat dishes. Especially popular in country pork. An average person in Germany consumes annually more than 80 kilograms of meat.

Trump told “very good” conversation with Obama

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump said that he had held “very good” conversation with President Barack Obama on Wednesday, December 28. About it reports Reuters. “He called me. We had a very, very good conversation. In General, about different things,” commented trump. According to him, his staff, like himself, normally interact with the outgoing President and his administration, softening its previous assessment. Earlier in his Twitter, trump wrote that Obama did not provide a smooth transfer of power. “Try not to pay attention to the many provocative statements About the President [Obama] and the obstacles. Thought it would be a smooth transfer of power.” — said the President-elect. Obama has repeatedly criticized trump during the election, however, met with a billionaire immediately after his election, promised “all possible assistance in the transfer of power”. After this policy has had several telephone conversations. The administration of the President expressed

In Syria, with coalition air strike eliminated one of the leaders of the IG

One of the leaders of the “Islamic state” was killed in an attack by the U.S.-led coalition in Syria. It is reported Associated Press, citing a senior Pentagon official. The attack was made on Monday, December 26. Jandal Abu al-Kuwaiti was eliminated near the Tabqa dam. It is known that he was one of the key leaders of the group, controlling the city of raqqa, self-proclaimed capital of ISIS in Syria. No other details. Currently, in the area of Raqqa are fighting the opposition, supported by the coalition are with the terrorists. “Islamic state” in Russia included in the list of terrorist organizations, for participation in activities which provide for criminal liability.

CNN called the date of announcement of the US measures against Russia for “intervention in election”

Barack Obama The white house is preparing to announce on Thursday, December 29, on the introduction against Russia of a number of measures in response to her alleged interference in the election process in the United States. It is reported by CNN. According to TV channel, these actions will include the extension of sanctions and diplomatic measures. Also, as expected, can be named individuals associated with the “Russian disinformation campaign” on the use of stolen data in order to damage the election campaign of the democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. American officials also said that the Federal government plans to “some sudden action” of the agent character. In recent months, representatives of the Obama administration has been focused on how to ensure the protection of voting machines and to prevent hackers to change the vote. According to intelligence agencies, the fraud was not detected, increased activity of hackers on the voting

The Russian Embassy in Syria was again under fire

On the territory of the Russian Embassy in Syria dropped two mines. For clearance of unexploded ordnance were brought engineers. This was stated on Wednesday, December 28, comments of the Department of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry, posted on the Agency’s website. “We have to say preserving a real threat to the Russian Embassy and his staff from the terrorist groups entrenched in the suburbs of Damascus. This confirms the urgent need for the speedy elimination of such terrorist hotbeds”, — stated in the message. The foreign Ministry also said that the repeated shelling of the Russian Embassy needs to receive appropriate assessment and “to be categorically condemned by all who oppose the challenges and threats of terrorism.” Before the Russian Embassy in Damascus was attacked several times. So, on 28 October on the territory of the diplomatic mission were dropped two mines. No one was hurt,

Lavrov urged UN officials not to spread lies about the situation in Syria

Aleppo The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov stated about the inadmissibility of spreading false information on the part of individual UN officials on the humanitarian situation in Syria. He said this during a telephone conversation with the special representative of the international organization for Syria Staffan de Mistura, reported on the Russian MFA website. Lavrov called unacceptable actions of some officials of humanitarian UN agencies who prey on the suffering of the people to foment anti-government rhetoric. The head of the Russian foreign Ministry demanded to immediately stop this practice. “The relevant services of the UN Secretariat and incite them to some members of the UN security Council instead of trying to make unilateral judgments about the situation of civilians in Aleppo have to connect to the actual delivery of humanitarian aid in this and other areas of Syria, than for a long time do the employees

Russia and Turkey agreed to a General truce in Syria

The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif, Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov and Minister of foreign Affairs of the Syrian Arab Republic Walid Muallem (left to right) Turkey and Russia agreed on a comprehensive ceasefire that will be submitted to the parties to the conflict in Syria. On Wednesday, December 28, Anadolu reported, citing its own sources. The effect of the agreement will cover all areas where there are armed clashes between opposition groups and government forces. Parties will be invited to cease hostilities starting from 00:00 local time (01:00 GMT), December 29 this year. The armistice agreement does not concern terrorist groups. In the case of reaching a sustainable truce the Syrian government and the opposition, backed by Turkey and Russia will begin in Astana, the political discussion of the conflict settlement. The guarantors of the peace

The Turkish army was destroyed in Syria 44 militants IG

Units of the Turkish army, leading battles near the Syrian town of al-Bab and destroyed 44 militant terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports Reuters with reference to sources in the Turkish military command. Another 117 terrorists were injured. As specified, artillery blows were inflicted on 157 the objects of IG. December 26, the press Secretary of the Turkish President Ibrahim Kalin said that during the recent fighting at El-Bab, the Turkish military and allied forces of the Syrian free army (FSA) destroyed 226 of the Islamists. Heavy fighting in al-Bab, continue for several weeks. Turkish troops and their allies of the FSA are trying to encircle the town. To date both sides have reported large losses of the enemy: the Turkish military announced killed hundreds of Islamists and ISIS said that the militants managed to knock out 10 Turkish tanks “Leopard”. 22 Dec Ankara

Obama called Abe’s visit to pearl Harbor historic gesture

Shinzo Abe (left), Barack Obama President Barack Obama called the visit of Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe in Hawaiian pearl Harbor “historic gesture” that shows the power of reconciliation. Reported by the Associated Press. Obama, who is performing at the Hawaii Christmas vacation, gave a speech at pearl Harbor, along with Abe. This is the first such joint visit of the American and Japanese leaders. According to Obama, the presence of Abe is a reminder of the opportunities that can gain the country and the people. It shows that war can end, and enemies can become allies, said the President. Obama said that relations between the US and Japan are currently the “cornerstone of peace around the world.” This Alliance has never been so strong, he said. In turn, Abe brought “warm and unfading” condolences in connection with death of American servicemen in the bombing of the base, the

In South Korea detained head of the pension Fund

Munkyung PHE Special prosecutors in South Korea investigating a corruption scandal in which was involved the top leadership, said that the detained Chairman of the National pension Fund mun Ken PHE. About it reports Reuters. More information Ministry is to provide did not, saying only that we are talking about suspicion in abuse of power. The consequence finds out participation munkyung PHE to the pressure on the pension Fund with the aim of supporting the process of merging two branches of the Corporation Samsumg last year. At that moment, he was the head of the Ministry of health and social welfare, which manages the Fund. On 9 December, the Parliament voted for the impeachment of President Park Geun-H. This decision still needs for a 180-day period to approve or reject the constitutional court. The reason for the political crisis in South Korea became a fortune teller Choi sung-SIL, a friend