The British authorities criticized Kerry for speaking out about Israel

John Kerry The British government criticized U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry, who called the current Israeli government is the most right-wing in the country’s history. About it reports Reuters. “We believe that it is unacceptable to criticize the composition of the democratically elected government of the country-ally”, — said the press-Secretary of the British Prime Minister. The state Department said that surprised by this review Downing street. December 28, U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry said that tel Aviv has undermined peace in the middle East, building of settlements in the occupied territories of the West Bank of the Jordan river and East Jerusalem. On 23 December, the UN Security Council adopted resolution 2334, requiring Israel to stop building settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. The document was supported by all security Council members except the United States, which abstained. Tel Aviv to carry out the decision of the

Zakharov responded to rumors about the closing of schools for children of diplomats from the United States

Maria Zakharova The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that the information about the closure of the Moscow school, which caters to children of employees of diplomatic missions of the United States, Britain and Canada, not true. She wrote about it in Facebook. “American officials “anonymous, providingull” your media that in response, Russia closed an American school in Moscow. It’s a lie. Apparently, the White house really mad and started to come up with sanctions against their own children,” — said Zakharov. She also asked the journalists not to write: “Moscow has denied… or will not…”. “Write like it is: “CNN and other Western media once again referring to the American official sources spread the false information” Usually Santa Claus asking for anything. This year I’m going to ask him, someone to take”, — the diplomat added. December 29, CNN reported that Russia in response to new

The Turkish Parliament made a new step towards the empowerment of Erdogan

Recep Tayyip Erdogan The relevant Committee of the Turkish Parliament approved a bill on constitutional change, involving the extension of the powers of the President. It is reported by Anadolu. According to the document, the country introduced the position of Vice President and abolished the post of Prime Minister. The President and Vice President will have full Executive power. In addition, from 25 to 18 years reduced age for candidates for Parliament, and the number of legislators increased from 550 to 600 people. 1 December it was reported that in the case of the adoption of the document in direct subordination of the head of state will pass the country’s armed forces and intelligence agencies. Currently they are governed by a collegiate body — the Supreme military Council. Now the draft law must obtain the approval of Parliament. If it will support at least 350 members, final approval of the

The delegation of MEPs and the Russian senators visited Syria

Konstantin Kosachev A delegation of three MEPs from Italy, Latvia and Estonia, as well as a group of members of the Federation Council of the Russian Federal Assembly, visited Syria, RIA Novosti reported citing the head of the Senate international Affairs Committee Konstantin Kosachev. After a meeting with President Bashar al-Assad, the members of the delegation got acquainted with the work of the Russian Center for reconciliation at the airbase Hamim. Also they inspected the soldiers ‘ dining room, Museum seized from militants military equipment, the place of residence of military personnel. The Federation Council hopes that the visit to Syria will allow European parliamentarians to objectively assess the situation in the country, said Kosachev. The possibility of a trip to Syria of representatives of the European Parliament was announced in mid-December. Thursday, 29 December, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the agreement on a cease-fire in Syria and the readiness

In Rio in the burnt car found the body of missing Greek Ambassador

Kyriakos Amiridis The police of Rio de Janeiro, according to preliminary data, found in a burned car the body of the missing informed the Greek Ambassador in Brazil. About it reports Reuters. 59-year-old Kyriakos of Amiridis was last seen on Monday evening, December 26, crime in poor suburbs of the metropolis, when he left the house of friends of his wife, a resident of Brazil. Two days later, the woman was reported missing. White burnt-out car was discovered near Nova iguaçu, where the diplomat was missing. The license plates on it are the same as on the car that I rented Amiridis. When the police version of the abduction is not considered a priority. In the Greek Embassy confirmed the absence of the Ambassador, adding that in Rio he went on vacation and had to return to the capital on 9 January. “The Ministry of foreign Affairs and the Embassy

The White house made the abolition of the trump of new sanctions against Russia

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump can change the decree of his predecessor Barack Obama and resolved after the inauguration of the Russian secret service back in the United States. This was stated by Reuters, a senior official in the us administration. However, according to him, this decision trump is unwise, as there is no reason to believe that Russia will cease to interfere in the Affairs of States and elections in other countries. “We believe that these steps are very important, because Russia is not going to stop (…) They will interfere in democratic elections in other countries, including our European allies,” said the source. December 29, President Barack Obama announced the introduction of new anti-Russian sanctions against the FSB, the GRU, other organizations and six individuals, citing the cyber attacks on the electoral system of the United States from Russia. In the United States have repeatedly accused

“Ahrar al-sham” refused to sign a ceasefire agreement in Syria

Major Islamist Syrian rebel group “Ahrar al-sham” refused to sign the agreement on cease-fire. About it reports Reuters with reference to the statement of its representative Ahmad Ali Kur. According to him, the “Ahrar al-sham” there are some doubts about the proposed agreement and related negotiations. In more detail, the group promises to present “in due time”. Earlier on Thursday, 29 December, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the agreement on a cease-fire in Syria and the readiness of the leadership of the Republic and the armed opposition to open peace negotiations. The armed Syrian opposition groups pledged to join the nationwide ceasefire proposed by Russia and Turkey. It is assumed that, if we can reach a sustainable truce, representatives of the Syrian government and opposition will start in Astana, political discussion, conflict resolution, and guarantors of the peace process will perform Moscow and Ankara. At the same time, earlier it

Videos with swearing allegiance to the Islamic state of Berlin a terrorist identified as genuine

Anis Amri The video, which the executor of the terrorist act in Berlin Anis Amri swears allegiance to the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), recognized as authentic. On Thursday, December 29, Die Welt reported, citing data from the Prosecutor’s office of Germany. The video, which people like Amri, swears allegiance to the group and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi appeared online four days after the attacks in the German capital. According to police, the recording was made in Berlin. In addition, the office of public Prosecutor has informed that from-under guards released 40-year-old Tunisian, who was arrested on December 28 on suspicion of complicity in preparing a terrorist attack. As told by investigators, they failed to establish a direct link between him and the perpetrator of the attack. On December 19 in the German capital was a terrorist attack. Truck driving, according to police, was a

The Syrian opposition confirmed its adherence to the truce

The armed Syrian opposition groups willing to join the nationwide ceasefire proposed by Russia and Turkey. About it reports Reuters referring to the statement of representatives of the groups. Earlier, on 29 December the President of Russia Vladimir Putin announced the agreement on a ceasefire in Syria and the readiness of the leadership of the Republic and the armed opposition to open peace negotiations. According to him, the three following documents were signed. The first was the ceasefire in the Syrian Arab Republic. The second is a set of measures to monitor the ceasefire. The third document is a statement of readiness to start peace talks on the Syrian settlement. The day before, on 28 December, the Turkish Anadolu news Agency has revealed some details of the proposed truce. The effect of the agreement will cover all areas where there are armed clashes between opposition groups and government forces. Parties

Moscow saw an overwhelming personal hatred of Obama to Russia

Barack Obama Moscow admits that the latest U.S. sanctions against Russia will be lifted during the presidency of Donald trump. About it RIA Novosti said the Ambassador for special assignments of the foreign Ministry Andrei Krutskikh. “It is the agony of the ruling elite. Personal hatred of the US President [Barack Obama] is off the charts. Everything is unproven and is an attempt to slow down possible cooperation,” he praised the actions of the White house. According to Krutskikh, we cannot exclude that the latter introduced the current American administration restrictions can sign in 70 percent of Obama’s edicts that trump intends to cancel. December 28, CNN reported that the White house is preparing to announce new anti-Russian measures in response to the alleged Moscow’s intervention in the election process in the United States. Elected President of the trump in turn, expressed the view that the United States needs to