The Chinese said relations with the US more important than with Russia

The Chinese said relations with the US more important than with Russia Friendship with Russia was for the Chinese in second place in importance to the partnership with the United States — this is according to the survey conducted by the publication Global Times. The cooperation with Moscow ahead of the priority for the Chinese mutual foreign policy with the EU. Earlier, the Russian Ambassador to China Andrey Denisov said that the American sanctions complicate cooperation between Russia and China, but not affect his pace and volume. For Chinese relations with the United States is more important than other countries, this friendship of China with Russia is in second place in importance among the entire foreign policy of Beijing — this is according to the survey conducted by the publication Global Times. Thus, cooperation with Moscow is far ahead of the priority for the Chinese friendship with the European Union,

Peskov said the lack of plans for the accession of Belarus to the Russian Federation

Peskov said the lack of plans for the accession of Belarus to the Russian Federation Moscow. 29 Dec. INTERFAX.RU Press Secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that there are no plans to include Belarus in Russia does not exist, and the stages of integration of the two countries are clearly described in the Union contract. To the question, are there any plans of joining Belarus to Russia, Peskov said: “there is no need to be unfounded, we need to remember 1999, the document on the basis of which we — Russia and Belarus — and became a Union state”. Peskov reminded that in this document “there are certain milestones — this fiscal Affairs, etc., these steps towards integration”. NewsLukashenko called “nonsense” statements that Russia is feeding Belarus “Of course, we are not talking about some kind of joining, etc. It is rather a movement towards each other, this

The foreign Ministry responded to the request of Merkel and Macron release of Ukrainian sailors

The foreign Ministry responded to the request of Merkel and Macron release of Ukrainian sailors The Russian foreign Ministry commented on the statement of the President of France Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, calling it unacceptable demands of Paris and Berlin for the release of detained in the incident in the Kerch Strait Ukrainian sailors. “However, unfortunately the second part of this statement, in which Berlin and Paris flatly accused Russia of certain human rights violations in the Crimea, the escalation of tensions in the sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait, forward our address unacceptable demands”, — stated in the message. The foreign Ministry notes that Russian side continues to ensure freedom of navigation in the Kerch Strait in accordance with the Russian-Ukrainian agreements, domestic legislation and international standards. Russia also takes into account the realistic security risks, threats and possible provocations by Ukraine and the West.

Published a list of goods forbidden to import to Russia from Ukraine

Published a list of goods forbidden to import to Russia from Ukraine MOSCOW, 29 Dec — RIA Novosti. The Cabinet of the Russian Federation published a list of goods forbidden to import to Russia from Ukraine, in particular, includes wheat, beer and sunflower oil, the relevant document published on the government website. Also on the list — turbines (with the exception of turbines for civil aircraft), transformers, gravel, crushed stone, limestone, furniture and some types of equipment, including for the production of bread. Of food products under the ban also got canned vegetables, bread, chocolate, wine, confectionary, prepared or preserved fish. Earlier on Saturday a ban on imports of a number of goods from Ukraine, reported the press service of the Russian Cabinet, noting that this is a response that can be cancelled in case of withdrawal of Kiev with its sanctions against Russia. Relations between Moscow and Kiev deteriorated

Medvedev banned the import into Russia of a number of Ukrainian goods

Medvedev banned the import into Russia of a number of Ukrainian goods MOSCOW, December 29. /TASS/. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced a ban on the importation of certain goods from Ukraine. “Russia is introducing a ban on the import of certain Ukrainian goods. This is — a response to sanctions from the Ukrainian side. Signed a corresponding resolution,” he wrote Saturday on Twitter. As have informed in a press-service of Cabinet of Ministers signed the decree introduces a ban on the import into Russia of goods, country of origin is Ukraine or transported through the territory of Ukraine, according to the approved list. “The bulk of the goods in respect of which the ban is classified as industrial. The list also included agricultural products, raw materials and food,” — said in the government. The Cabinet noted that Russia may take the decision to cancel enter the special economic measures if

Kiev laughed at “mythical Armada” DNR

Kiev laughed at “mythical Armada” DNR The fleet of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) off the coast of Novoazovsk does not threaten the Ukrainian military in the Azov sea. In an interview with Deutsche Welle said the commander Voyenno-naval forces (naval forces) of Ukraine Ihor Voronchenko. According to the commander, brigade of ships has been around for 10 months. “DPR has created the mythical fleet, gathering fishing boats. There’s probably 20-25 high-speed boats. On their part, on the Mariupol direction, is some kind of “9th marine regiment”,” the he said. Voronchenko said that conflicts with the “assault regiment marine corps” the DNI is recorded. He said that Ukraine will not lose control in the sea of Azov, despite the difficult situation. The country’s armed forces able to execute the instructions, said the captain.Newsforeign Ministry: Ukraine is preparing for the offensive in the Donets basin with access to the borders

The Washington Post: GRU pressed on Congress, trying to change the attitude to Ukraine

The Washington Post: GRU pressed on Congress, trying to change the attitude to Ukraine America has accused the Main Directorate of the Russian General staff (GRU earlier) in the “psychological war”, the aim of which is to attempt to influence the attitude of the Congress to Kiev. Upstairs This is stated in the publication the Washington Post of 28 Dec. The publication refers to documents of Western intelligence and public records. To “track record” of the GRU from all of the Democratic Committee in 2016 and poisoning Skrobala in Salisbury added “psychological pressure” on American politicians. The first episode of this pressure allegedly refers to February 2015, when the 12 senators have received e-mails from the author, including in the group “Patriots of Ukraine”. The “broken English” throwing a link to a petition calling to “save Ukraine”, whose “Pro-Western government is fighting with Pro-Russian separatists”. “Senators and congressmen! Today the

Reuters: U.S. wants to leave weapons to the Syrian Kurds

Reuters: U.S. wants to leave weapons to the Syrian Kurds The American command is going to recommend the White house to leave weapons to the Syrian Kurds to fight militants of ISIS (a terrorist organization banned in Russia), reports Reuters with reference to sources. The Kurds can leave the armored vehicles, mortars and anti-tank missiles. The Agency States that this issue is still under discussion. Imagine if the Pentagon eventually that’s the plan that the White house is unclear. Such a move could cause a negative reaction from Turkey, which is fighting with Kurdish militias in Northern Syria. We will remind, on December 19, the U.S. announced that it begin withdrawing its forces from Syria. According to the American President Donald trump, the task of Washington is the victory over the IG — met. According to the newspaper The Washington Post, Mr. trump said the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip

Interstate relations between Russia and Belarus

Interstate relations between Russia and Belarus Russian-Belarusian relations of allied cooperation. Diplomatic relations established on 25 June 1992. 8 December 1999 an Agreement was signed on establishing the Union state of Belarus and Russia. His signing was preceded by the creation in April 1996 of a Community of Russia and Belarus, and in April 1997 the Union of Belarus and Russia. The legal base of Russian-Belarusian relations are more than 220 inter-state and intergovernmental treaties and agreements. Multilateral cooperation agreements bind countries together within the framework of CIS and CSTO. Belarus is a strategic ally of Russia. This is enshrined in the foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation, where as one of the regional priorities confirmed the policy of expanding strategic cooperation with Belarus within the Union state and development of integration processes in all spheres, as well as deepen and expand integration among the countries within the Eurasian

Putin and Lukashenko will hold talks in the Kremlin

Putin and Lukashenko will hold talks in the Kremlin MOSCOW, 29 Dec — RIA Novosti. The presidents of Russia and Belarus Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko will hold talks in the Kremlin on Saturday to continue the dialogue on topical issues of Belarusian-Russian cooperation. The two leaders spoke last time on 25 December. As reported, they discussed, including energy prices and future changes in the Russian tax legislation. Press Secretary of the Belarusian President Natalia Eismont reported that the parties managed to reconcile positions on all issues. As the press-Secretary of President Dmitry Peskov said that the parties did not succeed to bring closer the positions on the oil tax maneuver, these, including, will set up a working group to resolve the problematic issues between Moscow and Minsk. This time, as told the press Secretary of the Russian leader, Putin and Lukashenko will discuss the topic of the tax maneuver