Proven mortal danger periodic Smoking

Proven mortal danger periodic Smoking

American scientists have proved that social Smoking causes the same harm as the direct use of cigarettes. A study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion, briefly about it, reports The Conversation.

Periodic use of cigarettes, as shown by scientists in the future leads to the same risk of the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system as Smoking (from a pack a day).

To such conclusions the authors came to compare (as part of the Million Hearts screening) blood pressure and cholesterol levels over 40 thousand active and social smokers from Ohio (USA). Experts noted that among the latter were dominated by young Hispanic men.

In the study of social smoker was defined as “a person who does not use cigarettes on a daily basis, but smokes in certain social situations on a regular basis”, for example, in a bar with alcohol.

In the United States approximately every tenth citizen (the population is about 330 million persons) considers himself a social smoker, whereas smokers are a full 17 percent of Americans. Experts come to the conclusion that to avoid the negative effects of tobacco Smoking can never starting to smoke and avoiding smoke inhalation.

