Spectracolor the United States in Russia will hold a check upon meet the son of trump’s Russian lawyer

Spectracolor the United States in Russia will hold a check upon meet the son of trump’s Russian lawyer

According to CNN, the Robert Mueller will also examine previously published Donald trump Jr. e-mails relating to this meeting.

NEW YORK, July 12. /TASS/. Appointed by the U.S. Department of justice special Prosecutor Robert Mueller with investigating the allegations of alleged Russian intervention in the American elections, will examine data on meeting the President’s son Donald trump with his Russian lawyer. This was reported on Tuesday by CNN.

According to sources, Mueller in the proceedings of the Russian Federation will check on the fact this meeting. Spectacular including a study published earlier Donald trump Jr., emails relating to his meetings with a lawyer from Russia, said the TV channel.

On Sunday, the newspaper The New York Times (NYT) reported that trump Jr. in June 2016 held in new York meeting with a Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, allegedly associated with the Russian authorities. According to the publication, trump Jr. agreed to the meeting because he promised to provide her information damning information on Hillary Clinton, who was the presidential candidate of the Democratic party during last year’s election campaign in the United States.

