The unique tunnel to the Black sea want to build in the Kuban

The delegation of Krasnodar region will present at the Russian investment forum in Sochi is a unique project for the construction of road tunnel with a length of 3.9 kilometers on the highway Maikop – Tuapse, reported the press service of the regional administration. This writes the “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”.

Analysts have estimated the project cost at 4.5 billion rubles. If this can be implemented, then a day through the tunnel will pass more than five thousand cars, which would relieve the highway M4 “don”.

According to the Minister of transport and road economy of the Kuban Anatoly voronovskii, with a total length of coastline of about 400 kilometers to the black sea coast are only two road route.

“The project will not only provide additional outlets to the coast, but will positively impact on the growth of investment attractiveness of the entire southern region,” – said the Minister.

Photo: press-service of administration of Krasnodar region

