Russians started buying luxury goods after watching “Gucci House”

Demand for goods associated with the Gucci brand increased by 60 percent after the release of the movie Russians began to massively buy luxury goods and designer items after watching the film “Gucci House” directed by Ridley Scott. The corresponding press release came to the disposal of “” on Wednesday, December 8. It is reported that after the release of the picture, users of the platforms “Yula” and “VKontakte Ads” began to be interested in goods that are associated with the Italian brand Gucci. Experts note that searches on portals with the words Gucci from December 3 to 6 increased by 60 percent compared to the same period last week. According to the study, the most popular product was the book “In the Name of Gucci. Memoirs of a daughter “, written by the illegitimate daughter of Aldo Gucci Patricia, the demand for which among domestic users has increased by

There are details about who shot people in the Moscow MFC

TASS: Glazov, who arranged the shooting at the Moscow MFC, was not prosecuted has not been tried before. Details about the detainee are reported by TASS, citing a source in law enforcement agencies. According to him, the attacker was also not registered with a psychiatrist and a narcologist. According to preliminary data, Glazov had no debts either. The man will be indicted today. At the stage of the preliminary investigation, Glazov will be sent for a psychiatric examination. Earlier it was reported that investigators would check the version of a planned attack on the MFC. The man had all his savings with him – 27 thousand euros, 10 thousand dollars and 20 thousand rubles. There was no money left in the detainee's apartment. This prompted the investigators to think that Glazov was not going to return home. The shooting at the MFC on 1st Novokuzminskaya Street took place in the

Mental disorders turned out to be dangerous in COVID-19

Molecular Psychiatry: Schizophrenia Increases The Risk Of Death With COVID-19 with schizophrenia are five times more likely to die from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and three times more likely to be hospitalized due to COVID-19. This is reported in the journal Molecular Psychiatry. Researchers analyzed data on 1,925 people with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders, 1,483 patients with bipolar disorder, and 41,448 people with depressive disorder. In total, 16,282 people tested positive for COVID-19, 2,885 were hospitalized and 1,081 died. It turned out that for people with psychotic disorders, the risk of dying from COVID-19 was 4.84 times higher than for people without severe mental illness. The risk of death from COVID-19 was 3.76 higher in people with bipolar disorder and 1.99 higher in people with depressive disorder. Among people with COVID-19 and those with psychotic or bipolar disorders, hospital admissions rates were 35.8 percent and 37.3 percent, respectively, compared with

Mandatory use of the Russian language in advertising has been canceled in Kazakhstan

Thus, the document is considered adopted by parliament and & nbsp; is sent to the & nbsp; signature of the head of state. Previously a deputy mazhilis Berik Abdygaliuly reported that & nbsp; in & nbsp; the bill introduced norms aimed at & nbsp; presentation of traditional historically established Kazakh names of administrative-territorial units, settlements, and & nbsp; also other geographical objects, forms and & nbsp; signs in Kazakh & nbsp;. And & nbsp; only when & nbsp; needed & nbsp; & mdash; in & nbsp; Russian and & nbsp; other languages. According to current legislation, letterheads, signs, advertising and & nbsp; other visual information are set out in & nbsp; Kazakh and & nbsp; Russian, and & nbsp; if & nbsp; necessary and & nbsp; in & nbsp; other languages. All texts of visual information are arranged in & nbsp; in the following order: left or top & nbsp;

European Parliament calls for total boycott of Beijing Olympic Games

MEP Ber on the Games in China: the wrong site in the wrong place Germany (SvDG) Nicola Ber called for a total boycott of the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing. This is reported by TASS with reference to the Funke media group. “The European Union should not only remain in the shadow of the United States, but also stand on its hind legs in respect of human rights and speak out for a total boycott of the Winter Games,” Ber said … She added that, in her opinion, the Olympic Games in China were the wrong site in the wrong place. “Neither the US nor the European Union can be interested in silently watching Beijing at the Winter Games as behind a gigantic propaganda staging, while the Chinese apparatus openly behind the scenes seriously violates human rights, ”said the representative of the European Parliament. She added that the diplomatic boycott

Dozens of man-eating sharks unexpectedly headed for the shores of the United States

Unexpected gathering of great white sharks off the US East Coast The East Coast of the United States has fluttered Twitter users. This is reported by the New York Post. The first to notice the sharks was @punished_stu, who posted a screenshot of the OCEARCH application, which shows the location of sharks on the map. Judging by his data, about a hundred predatory fish headed for the East Coast. The @punished_stu post has collected over six thousand retweets and 53 thousand likes. Related materials 00:05 – September 8, 2019 “Doom hung in the air” They found themselves in the sea among the sharks and died one after another. Survivors were rescued by Soviet sailors00:01 – 18 February “Then you wonder how you survived” The fearless woman swam with the most dangerous sharks all her life. She's 86 and still diving An OCEARCH spokesman said there was no cause for concern.

The average price of an apartment in Moscow has broken the psychological mark

“BEST-Novostroy”: the price per square meter in new buildings in Moscow has reached 265 thousand rubles new buildings in old Moscow continued to grow steadily. The average cost of supply per square meter of comfort-class housing in the city increased by 3 percent, reaching 265 thousand rubles, according to the materials of the BEST-Novostroy agency provided to According to analysts, the average the price of a new comfort-class apartment in Moscow has broken through the psychological mark of 13 million rubles, amounting to 13.1 million by December. The average proposed budget for the purchase of a standard-class apartment at the end of the month reached 9.4 million rubles, a business-class apartment – 28.5 million rubles. increasing demand in December, another round of price increases may take place, and more significant growth, “- experts warn. According to their data, a total of 15 thousand comfort-class apartments are put up for

Thief in law Alkhas Gudauta received 10 years in prison

In Vladimir, thief in law Alkhas Gudauta was sentenced to 10 years for criminal status thief in law for his status. This was reported to “” in the regional prosecutor's office. He was found guilty under Article 210.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy”). According to investigators, the man was “crowned” in the mid-1990s. Arriving in November 2019 at Vladimir's pre-trial detention center No. 1, he first announced his status to the FSIN officers, and then to the prisoners. As the source of clarified in law enforcement agencies, this is a thief in law Alkhas Agrba known in criminal circles as Alkhas Gudauta. According to the Prime Crime news agency, he was put on trial 11 times. He was “crowned” in 1995 in Moscow by thieves in law Mamuka, Dzhemo and Chizh. Earlier it was reported that thief in

The appearance of a Russian stewardess in uniform amazed foreigners online

A stewardess of the Russian airline Utair in uniform amazed netizens A stewardess of the Russian airline Utair shared a video of her work and surprised fans. She posted a video on her Instagram account. The footage shows a stewardess standing in the aisle of the plane and giving pre-flight briefings to passengers. She is wearing the traditional air carrier uniform – a blue knee-length skirt, a white short-sleeved shirt, a dark red waistcoat, and a tie. On her feet are black low-heeled shoes. The girl's appearance amazed Russian and foreign netizens. “A real professional”, “You can watch at least a hundred times!” “Don't waste your time, come to me and become a part of my family,” “I seem to have fallen in love,” users wrote. Earlier in December, flight attendants of various airlines listed the strangest requests of wealthy and influential aircraft passengers, with whom they have met over

The Foreign Ministry accused the West of punishing Belarus for friendship with Russia

Deputy Foreign Minister Pankin: Western sanctions against Minsk are similar to punishment for friendship with Moscow Western sanctions against Belarus affecting Russia are similar to punishment of official Minsk for friendship with Moscow. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Pankin accused the Western countries of this, RIA Novosti reports. “The geopolitical factors of Western pressure on the friendly republic are also being seen,” the diplomat concluded. He recalled that in December 2020, the US Congress adopted the “Act on Democracy, Human Rights and Sovereignty of Belarus”, which provides for the possibility of introducing restrictions against citizens of Russia and the Union State. At the same time, the European Union, according to Pankin, included two Russians in the blacklist. The Deputy Foreign Minister noted that in October the European Parliament opposed Russian-Belarusian integration. “How does this fit in with the concern about the state of democracy in Belarus itself, declared by the