Russians rushed to buy meat substitutes

NielsenIQ: demand for vegetable meat in Russia increased by 4 percent over the year months grew by 4 percent in physical terms, while sales of “traditional” meat fell by three percent, follows from the data of NielsenIQ (estimates are at the disposal of “”). Russians also rushed to buy vegetable ” dairy products. In total, the segment of products, which includes substitutes for milk, cream, yoghurts, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir and meat, grew in 2021 in monetary terms by 18 percent, and in physical terms – by 19. The segment of traditional goods in monetary terms increased by 6 percent, and in in kind compared to last year decreased by percentage. NielsenIQ associates the trend with the fact that there are a lot of alternative products based on vegetable protein on the shelves of the largest retail chains in the country, and buyers are eagerly trying them. Supporting sustainability

In Ukraine, they named the number of Russian military at the border

Head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov: 94.3 thousand Russian military personnel are at the border 94.3 thousand Russian military. This number was named by the head of the Ministry of Defense of the republic Alexei Reznikov, RIA Novosti reports. “The total number of troops on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the temporarily occupied territories that may be involved in the escalation, is now estimated at 94.3 thousand people “- said Reznikov. Earlier, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said that the international community is working on a” containment package “in the event of a Russian attack. He noted that the package is being developed in three directions, and stressed that, first of all, it is important to convey to Moscow that a military operation on the territory of Ukraine will have irreparable consequences for it. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Russia has

Russians rushed to buy meat substitutes

NielsenIQ: demand for vegetable meat in Russia increased by 4 percent over the year months grew by 4 percent in physical terms, while sales of “traditional” meat fell by three percent, follows from the data of NielsenIQ (estimates are at the disposal of “”). Russians also rushed to buy vegetable ” dairy products. In total, the segment of products, which includes substitutes for milk, cream, yoghurts, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir and meat, grew in 2021 in monetary terms by 18 percent, and in physical terms – by 19. The segment of traditional goods in monetary terms increased by 6 percent, and in in kind compared to last year decreased by percentage. NielsenIQ associates the trend with the fact that there are a lot of alternative products based on vegetable protein on the shelves of the largest retail chains in the country, and buyers are eagerly trying them. Supporting sustainability

In Ukraine, they named the number of Russian military at the border

Head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov: 94.3 thousand Russian troops are at the border 94.3 thousand Russian military. This number was named by the head of the Ministry of Defense of the republic Alexei Reznikov, RIA Novosti reports. “The total number of troops on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the temporarily occupied territories that may be involved in the escalation, is now estimated at 94.3 thousand people “- said Reznikov. Earlier, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said that the international community is working on a” containment package “in the event of a Russian attack. He noted that the package is being developed in three directions, and stressed that, first of all, it is important to convey to Moscow that a military operation on the territory of Ukraine will have irreparable consequences for it. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Russia has not

Russians named the maximum daily allowance for tangerines for an adult

Nutritionist Koroleva: an adult can eat up to 500 grams of tangerines per day the permissible daily intake of tangerines for an adult. Her words are quoted by the website of the Moskva 24 TV channel. Related materials 00:07 – 10 January “The more culinary expanse, the more we eat “How food changes our consciousness, behavior and prevents us from losing weight – says a neurobiologist 00:01 – 17 December 2020 , and in general nobody's fault here “Sweet, fatty and tasty: how familiar food is killing Russians The Queen said that a person who does not have allergies and other contraindications can eat up to 500 grams of tangerines per day. “It is permissible twice a day for 250 grams. Two small handfuls of tangerines would be quite appropriate in the diet between meals, “the doctor said. The nutritionist added that tangerines contain many beneficial substances, such as vitamin

Russians named the maximum daily allowance for tangerines for an adult

Nutritionist Koroleva: an adult can eat up to 500 grams of tangerines per day the permissible daily intake of tangerines for an adult. Her words are quoted by the website of the Moskva 24 TV channel. Related materials 00:07 – 10 January “The greater the culinary expanse, the more we eat “How food changes our minds, behavior and prevents us from losing weight – says the neurobiologist 00:01 – 17 December 2020 , and in general nobody's fault here “Sweet, fatty and tasty: how familiar food is killing Russians The Queen said that a person who does not have allergies and other contraindications can eat up to 500 grams of tangerines per day. “It is permissible twice a day for 250 grams. Two small handfuls of tangerines would be quite appropriate in the diet between meals, “the doctor said. The nutritionist added that tangerines contain many beneficial substances, such as

«Как прическа Джонсона». Британцы шутят и возмущаются по поводу главной елки страны

Одни пользователи интересуются, куда делась остальная часть елки, другие спрашивают, кто и чем обидел Норвегию. Один пользователь предположил, что елку подстриг личный парикмахер Бориса Джонсона (премьер-министр до недавнего времени всегда ходил взлохмаченным). The Trafalgar Square Christmas tree has arrived. Does anyone know what happened to the rest of it? @NorwayinUK — Cynthia Pinckney (@Cynthia5017) December 2, 2021 Официальный аккаунт рождественской елки на Трафальгарской площади, который ведет совет лондонского района Вестминстер, отшутился: «Хочу всем сообщить, что половина веток у меня не отсутствует, они просто соблюдают социальную дистанцию». Поводом для злословия рождественская елка на Трафальгарской площади становится регулярно. В позапрошлом году, например, британцы так же шутили над кособокостью очередного подарка из Норвегии. Совет Вестминстера и норвежцы отвечают, что ель высотой больше 20 метров из настоящего леса и не может быть такой же плотной и пушистой, как маленькие, специально выращенные рождественские елочки. Build Back Branches #TrafalgarTree — Ken Clarke (@MrKennethClarke) December 1, 2021 Елку на Трафальгарскую площадь каждый год с 1947 года присылает Лондону норвежская столица Осло — в знак благодарности за помощь в борьбе с нацистской оккупацией.

10 фактов об СМС, которые вы могли не знать

1. Первую в мире СМС-ку отправил 3 декабря 1992 года программист Нил Папуорт в Великобритании. На рождественской вечеринке он написал директору компании сотовой связи Ричарду Джарвису сообщение: «Счастливого Рождества!». 2. Вскоре после изобретения СМС был определен и ее оптимальный размер в стандарте GSM — 140 байт. Это 160 символов. 3. Исследователи выяснили, что печатать тексты за рулем вдвое опаснее, чем садиться за руль в нетрезвом виде. Например, в результате крушения поезда в Калифорнии в 2008 году погибли 25 пассажиров. В ходе расследования выяснилось, что до аварии водитель отправил 45 СМС. 4. Помните ли вы мелодию СМС-сигнала Nokia? Азбукой Морзе он (… — …) означает «СМС». 5. Лидерами по отправке СМС-сообщений долгое время являлись американцы. Они отправляли около 830 миллиардов СМС-сообщений в год. До развития мессенджеров типичный американский подросток отправлял 1500 СМС-сообщений в месяц. 6. В Малайзии мусульманам разрешено развестись с женами, отправив соответствующее СМС три раза. 7. Смишинг — один из видов мошенничества, когда за счет СМС-рассылки мошенники выманивают у пользователей сотовой связи деньги или важную конфиденциальную информацию. 8. В 2008 году в Конго британский врач-волонтер Дэвид Нотт провел сложную операцию по ампутации ключицы и лопатки, следуя советам своего

Evolution of coronavirus towards immune-resistant strains revealed

Science: Coronavirus is prone to mutations that reduce the effectiveness of treatment immune defenses, including natural immunity acquired through infection or vaccination; and reduce the effectiveness of antibody-based treatments. This is reported in an article published in the journal Science. The authors of the work warn that the study results may not be directly applicable to the omicron variant because the behavior of this particular strain will depend on its own unique set of mutations (at least 30 in the S spike protein) and how it competes with others. active strains circulating around the world. However, scientists note that the longer the virus continues to replicate in the human body, the more likely it is that it will continue to evolve towards greater resistance to immunity and antibody treatment. This means that as much effort as possible is needed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, including mass vaccinations around

Tattoo from an inept master glorified the girl on the network

A US resident got an unsuccessful tattoo and shared the result of the work A US resident got a tattoo by an inept artist, shared the unsuccessful work result and became famous on the network … The corresponding video appeared on her TikTok account. In the footage posted on the network, Holly explained that she had divorced her husband and decided to get a new tattoo on her forearm to ease the mental pain. She went to a friend of hers, with whom she had worked earlier. According to her, he has already done several drawings for her on her body, and she was pleased with the result. For a new tattoo, the American chose an image in the form of a stack of books surrounded by flowers. Holly noted that when it came time to transfer the design to the skin, the artist began to behave strangely. “I came