An unknown person opened fire in the center of Moscow

In Moscow, the “Intercept” plan was announced after the shooting in the city center In the center of Moscow, a Cadillac Escalade driver opened fire on a man, after which disappeared. This was reported by REN TV. According to the channel, the incident took place on Second Brestskaya Street. There was a conflict between the men. Having shot at the opponent, the unknown tried to help him, but then left. The victim was hospitalized. The city has announced a plan “Interception.” >

Putin and Biden will hold talks via video link

said Peskov. An exact understanding of the format of the meeting is also & nbsp; not yet & nbsp; & mdash; Will & nbsp; be & nbsp; these are negotiations one on & nbsp; one or with & nbsp; participation of delegations. Antonov accused the State Department of distorting the facts about the departure of diplomats from the United States The meeting can take place on & nbsp; next week or after & nbsp; week, the & nbsp; parties have different proposals for & nbsp; date. Formerly Kommersant reported that & nbsp; negotiations could take place on December 7 & nbsp;. Peskov said that & nbsp; this date is also being discussed. Yesterday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov expressed the hope that & nbsp; Putin's and & nbsp; Biden's talks would take place in the near future. US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said after talks with & nbsp;

Russian military will receive tow trucks for the Arctic

Izvestia: The Russian Army will receive REM-GT and MTP-GT robotic vehicles for the Arctic The Russian Army will receive new vehicles for the Arctic … The military will be given tractors with robotic manipulators for repair and evacuation of equipment at temperatures below minus 50 degrees. This is reported by the Izvestia newspaper with reference to sources in the Russian Ministry of Defense. Repair units in the Arctic will receive heavy repair and recovery vehicles REM-GT and technical reconnaissance vehicles MTR-G. Sources of the publication emphasized that the cars will soon undergo state tests. He added that a decision was made to create special repair and evacuation units. The REM-GT is based on the DT-30PM two-link tractor. The machine is designed for the repair and evacuation of all types of equipment in the arctic zone. The mass of REM-GT is 28 tons. The tractor will work together with the MTP-G

Russia assessed the naming of Nord Stream 2 as a strategic mistake of Germany

Senator Jabarov called the publication in the FAZ about Nord Stream 2 an attempt to put pressure on Germany The designation of Nord Stream 2 is strategic Germany's mistake in the publication of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) is partisan stupidity. Vladimir Dzhabarov, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, said this in a conversation with Earlier, the German observer Nikolas Busse wrote in a column for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that the gas pipeline “ Nord Stream 2 “became a strategic mistake of Germany, while Russia laid a mine under the stability and security of Europe. Attempt to pressure Dzhabarov stressed that Nord Stream-2 is a purely commercial project, which has been repeatedly stated by both the Russian side and its German partners. “I can say that this is yet another partisan stupidity, clearly paid for by some political forces that are against the

Friends separated as children meet 18 years later and get married

A woman divorced her husband, reunited with a childhood friend and played a wedding with him years and had a Viking-style wedding. This is reported by Metro. 28-year-old Madison Highland said that she had a close friend Chad as a child. Highland and Chad's parents became friends, and the families began to spend a lot of time together. After five years of close communication, the American family decided to move, and the connection between the children was cut off. At the same time, the parents continued to maintain contact. “At that age, we were at the mercy of our parents, we didn't have mobile phones, so we couldn't stay in touch,” Hyland explained. 00:02 – 16 August : October 10 – 27, 2017 “He descended from King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba” The American woman went to hang out and married a prince < p>Over the long years of

In Russia, it was recognized as impossible to verify the data on officials from the “Pandora's dossier”

Moscow considered the data on Russian officials from the “Pandora's dossier” fragmentary “, It is impossible to check. This was the opinion of the President's Anti-Corruption Department, follows from the department's response to Novaya Gazeta's inquiries. As the department admitted, “Pandora's dossier” is “an unstructured set of fragmentary data, virtually anonymous”. In this regard, it is impossible to use the information specified in it to identify any violations by Russian officials in accordance with the law. In its response, the department also indicated that the published materials do not contain information that Russian officials remained in possession of any foreign accounts and deposits after August 7, 2013, when the country passed a law prohibiting civil servants from holding assets abroad. The Pandora Dossier was published in early October. In it, ICIJ investigators uncovered offshore transactions of more than 100 billionaires, 35 world leaders and 400 government officials. Journalists call the

The Russians have opened the budget for New Year's gifts

Odnoklassniki: 46% of Russians are ready to spend more than 3,000 rubles on New Year's gifts New Year's gifts over three thousand rubles. This is evidenced by data from a study by Odnoklassniki, which launched a special website with the results of the outgoing year. Together with the research center ResearchMe, the social network found out how the attitude of the country's residents to the budget for gifts has changed compared to last year. According to the survey, this year people plan their budget for New Year's gifts much better: only 8 percent of respondents found it difficult to answer how much they are willing to spend for the New Year holidays. Last year, the number of undecided was 20 percent. More than three thousand rubles are ready to spend on gifts 46 percent of respondents, every fifth (25 percent) – from three to five thousand rubles, 11 percent –

Russian military will receive tow trucks for the Arctic

Izvestia: The Russian Army will receive REM-GT and MTP-GT robotic vehicles for the Arctic The Russian Army will receive new vehicles for the Arctic … The military will be given tractors with robotic manipulators for repair and evacuation of equipment at temperatures below minus 50 degrees. This is reported by the Izvestia newspaper with reference to sources in the Russian Ministry of Defense. Repair units in the Arctic will receive heavy repair and recovery vehicles REM-GT and technical reconnaissance vehicles MTR-G. Sources of the publication emphasized that the cars will soon undergo state tests. He added that a decision was made to create special repair and evacuation units. The REM-GT is based on the DT-30PM two-link tractor. The machine is designed for the repair and evacuation of all types of equipment in the arctic zone. The mass of REM-GT is 28 tons. The tractor will work together with the MTP-G

Friends separated as children meet 18 years later and get married

The woman divorced her husband, reunited with a childhood friend and played a wedding with him years and had a Viking-style wedding. This is reported by Metro. 28-year-old Madison Highland said that she had a close friend Chad as a child. Highland and Chad's parents became friends, and the families began to spend a lot of time together. After five years of close communication, the American family decided to move, and the connection between the children was cut off. At the same time, the parents continued to maintain contact. “At that age, we were at the mercy of our parents, we didn't have mobile phones, so we couldn't stay in touch,” Hyland explained. 00:02 – 16 August : October 10 – 27, 2017 “He was descended from King Solomon and Queen of Sheba” The American went out to hang out and married a prince < p>Over the long years of

The Russians have opened the budget for New Year's gifts

Odnoklassniki: 46% of Russians are ready to spend more than 3,000 rubles on New Year's gifts New Year's gifts over three thousand rubles. This is evidenced by data from a study by Odnoklassniki, which launched a special website with the results of the outgoing year. Together with the research center ResearchMe, the social network found out how the attitude of the country's residents to the budget for gifts has changed compared to last year. According to the survey, this year people plan their budget for New Year's gifts much better: only 8 percent of respondents found it difficult to answer how much they are willing to spend for the New Year holidays. Last year, the number of undecided was 20 percent. More than three thousand rubles are ready to spend on gifts 46 percent of respondents, every fifth (25 percent) – from three to five thousand rubles, 11 percent –