Sberbank launched its own sales house to sell advertising

SberCeller Sales House will develop and sell SberCell's advertising products Index 20 ”, which previously sold display advertising for the assets of the Rambler & Co media holding. This was reported to in the press service of Sber. SberCeller entered the SberInteyment group of companies, which unites entertainment and advertising assets of the Sber ecosystem. The new sales house will focus on selling the advertising inventory of the ecosystem, and also plans to enter the external market. Among the upcoming initiatives of SberCeller are the creation of advertising tools based on the ecosystem data set and the development of products together with other subsidiaries of Sber. One of the first sales house projects will be the exclusive sale of advertisements based on the AVOD model on the Okko multimedia service. The new sales house will allow combining the multifaceted advertising capabilities of the Sberbank ecosystem to create unique product

Gas prices for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have grown fivefold

“”: in Ukraine, gas prices have grown fivefold for 457 thousand households Ukrainian “Naftogaz” raised tariff on gas almost five times for consumers, to whom it is supplied by the company “Supplier of Last Hope” (from Ukrainian. Postmaster of last hope – PON). This is reported by the “” edition. “Supplier of last resort” serves consumers whose gas suppliers have gone bankrupt or for other reasons are unable to supply gas. Since December 2, PON has increased the gas tariff to 47 hryvnia (127 rubles) per cubic meter. The rise in prices affected hundreds of thousands of people, in total – 457 thousand Ukrainian households, the newspaper writes.

The CEC denied the violation of the rights of foreign agents in the elections to the State Duma

The head of the CEC Pamfilova said that foreign agents were not impressed in their electoral rights in the rights at the last elections to the State Duma in September. The head of the Central Election Commission of Russia, Ella Pamfilova, during a meeting with President Vladimir Putin, denied violations of the rights of this category of citizens, TASS reports. Pamfilova noted the high competition in the elections, in which 14 parties took part. According to her, there were three times less registration denials than in the 2016 Duma elections. The head of the Central Election Commission reminded the President that at the federal level one foreign agent candidate was admitted, and in the regions “six people participated along with everyone else.” , they took part on equal terms with everyone else – and observed and covered – in accordance with all the laws that are in effect, just like

Russia is under the threat of food shortages due to Belarus

Reuters: the migration crisis in Belarus made it difficult to supply food to Russia The migration crisis on the Belarusian-Polish border made it difficult to supply goods and food raw materials for food producers in Russia, which caused the country to face a shortage, writes Reuters. Some companies are already suffering losses and are considering a temporary halt in production if the situation worsens. Poland has closed several checkpoints across the border with Belarus for freight traffic. The reason was the political tension between the European Union and Minsk – the West accused the Belarusian authorities of encouraging migrants from the Middle East to illegally cross the borders. Long queues of trucks formed at four of the six that remained open. At the same time, six checkpoints across the border between Belarus and Lithuania operate as usual. A spokesman for the Russian market told Reuters that lines at any time

Gas prices for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have grown fivefold

“”: in Ukraine, gas prices have increased fivefold for 457 thousand households Ukrainian “Naftogaz” on gas almost five times for the consumers to whom it is supplied by the company “Supplier of Last Hope” (from Ukrainian. Postmaster of last hope – PON). This is reported by the “” edition. “Supplier of last resort” serves consumers whose gas suppliers have gone bankrupt or for other reasons are unable to supply gas. Since December 2, PON has increased the gas tariff to 47 hryvnia (127 rubles) per cubic meter. The rise in prices affected hundreds of thousands of people, in total – 457 thousand Ukrainian households, the newspaper writes.

Passengers of the nearly crashed plane described the landing with the phrase “terribly scary”

Passengers of the Magadan – Novosibirsk flight spoke about the emergency landing of the plane in Irkutsk engines, described the landing of the liner with the phrase “it was terribly scary.” Telegram-channel “112” writes about this. Thus, the passengers of the Magadan-Novosibirsk flight told how they felt during the flight. “We flew, severe turbulence began, lost and gained speed. I began to shake very strongly, it was terribly scary, beyond words. We just took off and started right away. In about three minutes. The whole flight did not go as usual, “the channel reports them. In addition, the travelers shared how the plane's emergency landing at the Irkutsk airport went. “As a person who was on this plane, I want to note that no one shouted in the cabin, there was no panic. It was scary, of course, but the passengers held on. And thank you very much to our

The world's first skyscraper from Bentley began to sell apartments

Bentley skyscraper apartments in Miami start at $ 4.2 million the world of a skyscraper under the brand of the British automobile company Bentley Motors. Home sales have started there, according to the New York Post. Construction of the tower will be completed in 2026, the skyscraper will reach a height of 749 feet (228 meters). Apartment prices start at $ 4.2 million (RUB 309 million). Each apartment with floor-to-ceiling windows will have its own multi-car garage and lift. There will be swimming pools on the balconies of the apartments. The residents of the skyscraper will also have a restaurant with a chef, a cinema, a bar, a cigar salon, a gym, a swimming pool and a SPA-zone. The territory will be ennobled according to the principles of landscape design. Earlier in New York, construction began on a 305-meter-high skyscraper, which was designed by the Russian architectural bureau Megan. The

Passengers of the nearly crashed plane described the landing with the phrase “terribly scary”

Passengers of the Magadan-Novosibirsk flight spoke about the emergency landing in Irkutsk engines, described the landing of the liner with the phrase “it was terribly scary.” Telegram-channel “112” writes about this. Thus, the passengers of the Magadan-Novosibirsk flight told how they felt during the flight. “We flew, severe turbulence began, lost and gained speed. I began to shake very strongly, it was terribly scary, beyond words. We just took off and started right away. In about three minutes. The whole flight did not go as usual, “the channel reports them. In addition, the travelers shared how the plane's emergency landing at the Irkutsk airport went. “As a person who was on this plane, I want to note that no one shouted in the cabin, there was no panic. It was scary, of course, but the passengers held on. And thank you very much to our pilots that we still flew

The world's first skyscraper from Bentley began to sell apartments

Bentley skyscraper apartments in Miami start at $ 4.2 million the world of a skyscraper under the brand of the British automobile company Bentley Motors. Home sales have started there, according to the New York Post. Construction of the tower will be completed in 2026, the skyscraper will reach a height of 749 feet (228 meters). Apartment prices start at $ 4.2 million (RUB 309 million). Each apartment with floor-to-ceiling windows will have its own multi-car garage and lift. There will be swimming pools on the balconies of the apartments. The residents of the skyscraper will also have a restaurant with a chef, a cinema, a bar, a cigar salon, a gym, a swimming pool and a SPA-zone. The territory will be ennobled according to the principles of landscape design. Earlier in New York, construction began on a 305-meter-high skyscraper, which was designed by the Russian architectural bureau Megan. The

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a case against a man who shot twice at a policeman in Bashkiria

In Bashkiria, a case was initiated against a man who shot at a district police officer with his weapon shot at the precinct. This was announced to on Friday, December 3, by the official representative of the Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the region, Yevgeny Kanevsky. According to the agency, in Sterlibashevsky district, two district police officers arrived in the village of Akchishma to deliver to law enforcement organs of a 42-year-old criminal suspect. The man was at home with a friend, he refused to go with the police. At some point, the suspect, together with a friend, took away a service weapon from one of the precinct police officers and shot twice at the policeman, hitting him in the shoulder and leg , after which both intruders fled in a car. The policeman is now in the hospital, nothing threatens his life. The fugitives' car