Elon Musk became a meme on social networks because of the new hairstyle

Elon Musk's thick hair and shaved whiskey amused netizens The head of SpaceX and Tesla Elon Musk became a meme on social networks because of new hairstyle. The corresponding posts appeared on Twitter. The paparazzi filmed the businessman at the Miami airport, where he arrived on December 1. The posted pictures capture Musk's thick hair and his shaved temples. The Daily Mail reporters suggested that the man had undergone a hair transplant, as photographs from 20 years ago show bald spots on his head.

Основательница: не стало Нины Ургант

Есть в актерской среде люди, которые хранят верность не только избранному ими непростому ремеслу, но и месту служения. Именно такой была Нина Николаевна Ургант, без малого 60 лет отдавшая Александринке, придя в театр в 1962 году, когда он еще носил имя А. С. Пушкина. Сегодня стало известно, что Нина Ургант скончалась на 93-м году жизни. «Известия» вспоминают уникальную актрису, родоначальницу целой артистической династии. Фамилия Ургант известна в России (да и за ее пределами — по крайней мере на той ⅙ части суши, что некогда занимал Советский Союз), пожалуй, каждому. Вальяжный телеведущий Иван, элегантный актер Андрей… И над всеми царила она — мать, бабушка, основательница. Впрочем, ее величия, ее любви хватало, пожалуй, и на всю страну — отвечавшую взаимным обожанием. Нина Николаевна Ургант родилась 4 сентября 1929 года в городе Луге Ленинградской области в семье обрусевшего эстонца. После того как в СССР вступили прибалтийские республики, ее отец, майор НКВД, получил назначение в Даугавпилс. Там семья и встретила войну, наложившую неизгладимый отпечаток на характер маленькой Нины. Отец ушел на восток вместе с Красной армией, а жена и дочь остались в оккупированном немцами городе. Несколько лет, вплоть до освобождения, им приходилось прятаться от облав. Соседи

Russians were taught to choose a Christmas tree

Expert Pukharev: a high-quality Christmas tree will have even rows of branches housing the height of the tree and its color. Expert Vladislav Pukharev spoke about this in a conversation with Vechernyaya Moskva. According to the expert, a high-quality tree will have a slender crown and even rows of branches. Natural green color is considered a sign of high quality. The needles should also not fall from the tree. “To check the tree, you can shake it a little – no green needles should fall from it. Last year's brown needle may crumble a little – this is normal, “the expert taught. A small degree of crumbling characteristic of Russian spruce – it is considered acceptable if 10-20 needles fell from the tree. The amount of litter depends on the size of the tree. “The thicker the tree, the more trash there will be under it,” Pukharev explained. Russians were

Elon Musk became a meme on social networks because of the new hairstyle

Elon Musk's thick hair and shaved whiskey amused netizens The head of SpaceX and Tesla Elon Musk became a meme on social networks because of new hairstyle. The corresponding posts appeared on Twitter. The paparazzi filmed the businessman at the Miami airport, where he arrived on December 1. The posted pictures capture Musk's thick hair and his shaved temples. The Daily Mail reporters suggested that the man had undergone a hair transplant, as photographs from 20 years ago show bald spots on his head.

52-year-old Russian killed a fellow villager with a poker during a quarrel

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, a 52-year-old Russian killed a 54-year-old fellow villager with a poker village named after Stepan Razin, who killed a fellow villager with a poker. This was reported on Friday, December 3, to Lente.ru in the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. According to the investigation, on Thursday, December 2, a man, while intoxicated, had a falling out with 54- the summer owner of the house he lived with. The accused has no place of his own. During the conflict, the Russian grabbed a poker and hit his fellow villager on the head several times. After that, the victim died. The person involved in the case admitted his guilt and told the investigators about the circumstances of the incident. Previously, he was prosecuted several times for theft. Earlier in November, it was reported that a couple of young criminals had been detained in the

52-year-old Russian killed a fellow villager with a poker during a quarrel

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, a 52-year-old Russian killed a 54-year-old fellow villager with a poker village named after Stepan Razin, who killed a fellow villager with a poker. This was reported on Friday, December 3, to Lente.ru in the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. According to the investigation, on Thursday, December 2, a man, while intoxicated, had a falling out with 54- the summer owner of the house he lived with. The accused has no place of his own. During the conflict, the Russian grabbed a poker and hit his fellow villager on the head several times. After that, the victim died. The person involved in the case admitted his guilt and told the investigators about the circumstances of the incident. Previously, he was prosecuted several times for theft. Earlier in November, it was reported that a couple of young criminals had been detained in the

US Senator offended by words about Putin

Newsweek: US Senator Shaheen says she is more hostile to Putin than anyone else Cotton, stating that he is at enmity with Russian President Vladimir Putin stronger than other politicians. Her words are reported by Newsweek. Cotton said that American leader Joe Biden and the Democrats returned to conciliatory tactics against Moscow, since, in particular, they refused to impose sanctions against the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. In response, Shahin stressed that she was offended. “I am the very person to whom Vladimir Putin refused to issue a visa, because I am against Russia! He did not refuse you a visa, ”said the representative of the Democrats. ” Nord Stream-2 “. At the same time, the Senate decided to expedite consideration of 21 amendments, one of which involves the introduction of restrictions against the gas pipeline in the event of a military invasion of Russia by Russia.

EU will study the situation with the exclusion of Lithuania from the Chinese customs system

EU Representative Massrali: The European Commission is studying the exclusion of Lithuania from the customs system of the PRC At the moment, the European Commission is studying the situation with the exclusion of Lithuania from the customs system of China. This was stated by the representative of the foreign policy service of the European Union (EU) Nabila Massrali, reports TASS.

Ukrainian companies owe Russia over a billion dollars

The debt of private companies in Ukraine to Russia by July 1 amounted to more than a billion dollars more than a billion dollars, follows from the data of the National Bank of Ukraine. Since the beginning of the year, the share of Russia in the geographical structure of the real sector's debt on non-guaranteed loans has increased from 2.5 to 2.6 percent. The country is among the top ten creditors for Ukrainian enterprises. The total debt of private companies in Ukraine in the first half of the year amounted to almost 44 billion dollars. They owe the most to Cyprus (about 21 billion), followed by the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Russia was in eighth place of the main creditors. The main currency of borrowing is dollars (more than 62.2 percent), about a quarter of loans are accounted for by the euro. At the end of November, the Ukrainian

Berlin banned dancing in nightclubs

The Berlin government has banned dancing in nightclubs due to the coronavirus This is reported by RIA Novosti from the words of Christian Gebler, head of the Moscow government's chancellery. At a press conference, the official said that clubs can provide visitors with “gastronomic services”, but they cannot organize discos. Thus, it will be possible to dance outdoors, but only for those who have received the coronavirus vaccine or have recently had an illness. Also, government agencies are instructed to accept only citizens with antibodies or a negative PCR test for coronavirus. The same restrictions are imposed on the operation of public transport. The innovations will take effect on December 8 and will continue to operate until January 2, 2022. Earlier in November, the leader of the German Green Party Katrin Goering-Eckardt spoke in support of the introduction of compulsory coronavirus vaccination for all citizens of Germany. In her opinion,