The dangers of COVID-19 vaccination during a cold explained to the Russians

Immunologist Skorpileva: COVID-19 vaccination for colds can lead to exacerbations COVID-19 vaccination during a cold exacerbations of chronic diseases. This danger was named by the immunologist, candidate of medical sciences Zoya Skorpileva, her words are quoted by URA.RU. In addition to chronic diseases, according to the specialist, vaccination can lead to the activation of latent diseases and a hyperimmune reaction. “We do not know if they can synergize (strengthen – approx.” “), or vice versa, antagonize (fight) with each other, therefore, the condition may worsen, immunity to this vaccination, “Skorpileva explained, noting that during a period of illness, one cannot be vaccinated not only against COVID-19, but also against other diseases. She noted that one cannot be vaccinated even if there was contact with the patient human. The doctor advised to wait two weeks and then go to get vaccinated. Earlier, the therapist, immunologist Irina Yartseva, in an interview

The dangers of COVID-19 vaccination during a cold explained to the Russians

Immunologist Skorpileva: COVID-19 vaccination for colds can lead to exacerbations COVID-19 vaccination during colds exacerbations of chronic diseases. This danger was named by the immunologist, candidate of medical sciences Zoya Skorpileva, her words are quoted by URA.RU. In addition to chronic diseases, according to the specialist, vaccination can lead to the activation of latent diseases and a hyperimmune reaction. “We do not know if they can synergize (strengthen – approx.” “), or vice versa, antagonize (fight) with each other, therefore, the condition may worsen, immunity to this vaccination, “Skorpileva explained, noting that during a period of illness, one cannot be vaccinated not only against COVID-19, but also against other diseases. She noted that one cannot be vaccinated even if there was contact with the patient human. The doctor advised to wait two weeks and then go to get vaccinated. Earlier, the therapist, immunologist Irina Yartseva, in an interview with

Russians revealed ways to save on rent

Experts from the Metrium agency told how to save on rent … Ways to save on utilities were revealed by experts from the Metrium real estate agency, the material is at the disposal of First of all, it is necessary to give up unnecessary services, such as fees for a radio link. This is a special outlet that you can plug in your loudspeaker. For this service you have to pay about 1,300 rubles a year. You can also refuse to pay for a shared TV antenna if you already have cable or satellite TV, or if you don't need it at all. The experts said that home phones are also expensive for citizens, while mobile operators offer better rates. Also “Metrium” advises to draw up a recalculation. This can be done provided that the resident was absent from the apartment for more than five days and did not

An elephant lived in a safari park for 12 years and turned out to be an elephant

Veterinarians examined the elephant and found it to be a female elephant the city of Karachi and found out that one of the animals, which for 12 years was considered a male, turned out to be an elephant. Reported by Dawn. In September, a court appointed German veterinarian Frank Goritz to check the health of four elephants after an animal welfare NGO demanded that the elephants be provided with a suitable habitat. A team of six veterinarians led by Goritz conducted a visual examination of the animals' condition, took blood samples for analysis, observed behavior, examined the legs and teeth of the elephants, and took measurements to assess the condition of the animals. Related materials00: 02 – April 4, 2018 < img src = "/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/f279e5ead1636dfb0092c8152031ed68.jpg" /> We found a switchman People shoot and butcher animals in front of children. They can get away with everything 20:37 – February 13, 2014

An elephant lived in a safari park for 12 years and turned out to be an elephant

Veterinarians examined the elephant and found out that it was an elephant the city of Karachi and found out that one of the animals, which for 12 years was considered a male, turned out to be an elephant. Reported by Dawn. In September, a court appointed German veterinarian Frank Goritz to check the health of four elephants after an animal welfare NGO demanded that the elephants be provided with a suitable habitat. A team of six veterinarians led by Goritz conducted a visual examination of the animals' condition, took blood samples for analysis, observed behavior, examined the legs and teeth of the elephants, and took measurements to assess the condition of the animals. Related materials00: 02 – April 4, 2018 < img src = "/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/b62a87d9971d9635a9ee9d61a5f58e42.jpg" /> We found a switchman People shoot and butcher animals in front of children. They can get away with everything 20:37 – February 13, 2014

Russians revealed ways to save on rent

Experts from the Metrium agency told how to save on rent … Ways to save on utilities were revealed by experts from the Metrium real estate agency, the material is at the disposal of First of all, it is necessary to give up unnecessary services, such as fees for a radio link. This is a special outlet that you can plug in your loudspeaker. For this service you have to pay about 1,300 rubles a year. You can also refuse to pay for a shared TV antenna if you already have cable or satellite TV, or if you don't need it at all. The experts said that home phones are also expensive for citizens, while mobile operators offer better rates. Also “Metrium” advises to draw up a recalculation. This can be done provided that the resident was absent from the apartment for more than five days and did not

The star of “Ural dumplings” commented on the words of a colleague about unfunny numbers

Participant of the “Uralskiye dumplings” Rozhkov said that the show is still relevant for viewers answered the words of his colleague Vyacheslav Myasnikov about the deterioration of numbers. In an interview with the TV program, the star of the show suggested first of all to evaluate the ratings of the programs and noted that the project has high ratings. “Let's just look at the ratings of the programs where the show is shown, and everything will immediately become clear. We have been brewing here for a long time within the collective. We can give an inadequate assessment of everything that happens. Something may or may not seem to me, too. The ratings suggest the opposite, “Rozhkov commented. According to the humorist, the show” Uralskie dumplings “is still relevant to the audience. “There are some creative experiences. I always want it better, funnier. This does not always work out. But this

The star of “Ural dumplings” commented on the words of a colleague about unfunny numbers

Participant of “Ural dumplings” Rozhkov said that the show is still relevant for viewers answered the words of his colleague Vyacheslav Myasnikov about the deterioration of numbers. In an interview with the TV program, the star of the show suggested first of all to evaluate the ratings of the programs and noted that the project has high ratings. “Let's just look at the ratings of the programs where the show is shown, and everything will immediately become clear. We have been brewing here for a long time within the collective. We can give an inadequate assessment of everything that happens. Something may or may not seem to me, too. The ratings suggest the opposite, “Rozhkov commented. According to the humorist, the show” Uralskie dumplings “is still relevant to the audience. “There are some creative experiences. I always want it better, funnier. This does not always work out. But this is

Detained prisoner who escaped from a Russian colony

A fugitive convict convicted of stealing weapons and ammunition was detained in the Samara region Gaifutdinov. This was reported on Friday, December 3, to by the press service of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN). According to the department, the prisoner was detained during joint operational-search activities of the regional department of the FSIN and the police. The fugitive was found and detained in the village of Kupino, Bezenchuksky district. A criminal case was opened against him under Article 313 (“Escape from a place of imprisonment”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. On the escape of a convict for five years and ten months under Part 1 of Article 226 of the Criminal Code of Russia (“Theft or extortion weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices “) was reported on December 2. Immediately after the emergency, the leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Samara region

In Russia showed the “poverty line”

Rosstat estimated the number of Russians with incomes below the poverty line Rosstat for the first time estimated the number of the poor in the country based on poverty lines. This is stated in a message published on the website of the service. The government approved a new parameter for accounting for the poor at the end of November. Based on the new poverty line, the population with incomes below this limit in the third quarter of 2021 was 16 million people, or 11 percent of the total population of the country. Calculations showed that, compared to the third quarter of 2020, the number of Russians with incomes below the poverty line decreased by 2.8 million people, and their share – by 1.8 percentage points. According to Rosstat, over the year the average per capita nominal monetary income of Russians increased by 15.5 percent – to 40,402 rubles in the