The journalist revealed the fate of ugly girls at the parties of the founder of Playboy

Reporter Miller: ugly girls were kept away from Hefner at Playboy parties the mansion of the founder of the American erotic magazine Playboy Hugh Hefner, as well as the fate of ugly girls at these events. He shared the relevant information in the latest episode of the Power: Hugh Hefner podcast.

According to Miller, Hefner has always demanded that there be twice as many women at events as men. So, once, in search of a sufficient number of girls, the businessman's subordinates walked around the entire campus of the University of California at Los Angeles.

“Pretty students were happy to be invited, but when they came to the event, they quickly realized that there were not many celebrities as promised. Instead, they met ordinary men suitable for their fathers. Having visited the mansion once, no one wanted to return again, “the journalist shared.

In addition, Miller said that the appearance of each girl at the party had to meet certain parameters. So, if the guest was not attractive enough, then the staff were ordered to keep her as far away from Hefner as possible, since the “terrible” women insulted his dignity.

The journalist also suggested that such events in the mansion were held only in order to hide Hefner's reclusive nature. “It would seem that the founder of Playboy should go out, visit the best restaurants, eat great food and understand wine, but Hefner did not eat anything but sandwiches, fried chicken and stews, and instead of fine wines he drank Coca-Cola.” assured Miller.

The man also remembered one of the parties he attended during Hefner's lifetime. According to him, the event was boring: the guests sat in the large hall, ate sandwiches and drank. Later in the evening, a secretary appeared who warned of the imminent arrival of Hefner and urged them to imitate the fun.

“When Hefner appeared, everything around came to life, people danced, laughed, joked as if the party had lasted for several hours. This shows how deceitful that life in the mansion was, “the journalist concluded.

Earlier in November, the model talked about parties at the mansion of the founder of Playboy. Jenna Bentley moved to Hefner's estate at the age of 18 and stayed there for a year. She signed a “very tough” nondisclosure agreement, and she was also forbidden to have a boyfriend. The girls had a curfew: models who did not return home by 21:00 stayed overnight on the street.

