Gradsky was named an indispensable mentor of “Voice”

Singer Pelageya about Gradsky as a mentor of the Voice show: there are irreplaceable people Russia, the musician Alexander Gradsky is indispensable as a mentor on the show “The Voice”. She announced this on the Let Them Talk program on Channel One.

“It's not up to us to decide how the circumstances in terms of the project will turn out, but it seems to me that this is the case when there are irreplaceable people. And this is it, “she said.

According to StarHit, Channel One managed to shoot several episodes of the show together with Gradsky, and they will soon be on the air. However, the channel's management has not yet announced whether a new mentor will appear in the project.

Gradsky will be buried at the Moscow Vagankovsky cemetery on Wednesday, December 1. The musician passed away at the age of 72 on November 28. He was taken to hospital with suspected stroke. The coronavirus infection suffered by the artist in September led to a deterioration in health.

Alexander Gradsky has released more than 40 albums. He took part in work on several dozen films as a composer and singer, including “One among strangers, a stranger among friends”, “Do not part with your loved ones”, “Prisoner of the If castle”, the cartoons “The Blue Puppy” and “Pass”. In the 2010s, the artist became one of the mentors in the popular television project “The Voice”.



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